Working the Islamic Center Polling location again for the Primary


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2023
I realized that myself and literally everyone I know simply whinges and whines about politics but NEVER actually does anything about it. So back in 2022 I volunteered (they actually pay you $14/hour) to work the polling location to actually see what goes one.
I just signed up to work the 2024 Primary at the same polling location.

In 2022 I logged significant "Issue Reports" on clear violations of the Voting laws that we were all trained on. After the Primary I then filed a FOIA request for copies of all the Issue Reports from the location, which when they arrived included only 3 of my many reports. So essentially the Polling Location "Inspector" trashed most of the Issue Reports and didn't turn them in.

As I've reported before, the Polling Locations and I suspect entire Election apparatus is run by self-appointed "know better" Communists/Democrats.

While I can't take photos/videos once the polling location is open, this year I will take a notepad and log every issue, every issue report, every concern.

I share this with you guys in hopes that you will consider getting involved - work the polling locations, donate a few bucks to Conservative candidates, put signs up in your yard. By being involved, the Demoncrats will start to understand they cannot keep cheating and stealing as you expose their lies. And just maybe a few of them will get charged with willful election violates (unlikely).
And why is an “Islamic center” a polling place? That right there smells fishy. My polling places in my adult life have been a fire station, a public school cafeteria, and a public park rec center.
I assume the Demoncrats buried in the bureaucracy machine select sites favorable to Demoncrats.
I realized that myself and literally everyone I know simply whinges and whines about politics but NEVER actually does anything about it. So back in 2022 I volunteered (they actually pay you $14/hour) to work the polling location to actually see what goes one.
I just signed up to work the 2024 Primary at the same polling location.

In 2022 I logged significant "Issue Reports" on clear violations of the Voting laws that we were all trained on. After the Primary I then filed a FOIA request for copies of all the Issue Reports from the location, which when they arrived included only 3 of my many reports. So essentially the Polling Location "Inspector" trashed most of the Issue Reports and didn't turn them in.

As I've reported before, the Polling Locations and I suspect entire Election apparatus is run by self-appointed "know better" Communists/Democrats.

While I can't take photos/videos once the polling location is open, this year I will take a notepad and log every issue, every issue report, every concern.

I share this with you guys in hopes that you will consider getting involved - work the polling locations, donate a few bucks to Conservative candidates, put signs up in your yard. By being involved, the Demoncrats will start to understand they cannot keep cheating and stealing as you expose their lies. And just maybe a few of them will get charged with willful election violates (unlikely).
US elections now sound like Pakistani elections. Your country is on downward way you don't agree with justice jury system nor your election system both of these were corner stone of American strength when I lived there.
And why is an “Islamic center” a polling place? That right there smells fishy. My polling places in my adult life have been a fire station, a public school cafeteria, and a public park rec center.
my polling places for the last 25 years have all been churches.
US elections now sound like Pakistani elections. Your country is on downward way you don't agree with justice jury system nor your election system both of these were corner stone of American strength when I lived there.
This is very true. The US has been in the past the beacon of light and hope for those around the globe to come to.
- Without valid elections that we are comfortable with (win or lose), the concept of Democracy fails.
- Without equal justice and perception of equal justice, we will devolve into revolution.

We've gone through these downward spirals before. Question is if we correct course or continue with the Authoritarian Deep State expansion.

John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free. Virtue is an inner commitment and voluntary outward obedience to principles of truth and moral law. Private virtue is the character to govern oneself according to moral law at all times. Public virtue is the character to voluntarily sacrifice or subjugate personal wants for the greater good of other individuals or the community. Specific moral virtues include charity, justice, courage, temperance, reverence, prudence, and honesty. These virtues are the moral fiber and moving force to act in accordance with wisdom.

P.S. I'm making a chuck roast Nihari this afternoon. LOL
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John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free. Virtue is an inner commitment and voluntary outward obedience to principles of truth and moral law. Private virtue is the character to govern oneself according to moral law at all times. Public virtue is the character to voluntarily sacrifice or subjugate personal wants for the greater good of other individuals or the community. Specific moral virtues include charity, justice, courage, temperance, reverence, prudence, and honesty. These virtues are the moral fiber and moving force to act in accordance with wisdom.

P.S. I'm making a chuck roast Nihari this afternoon. LOL

When 1 in 5 people in this country think it's OK to commit voter fraud we have a moral problem in this country.

When 1 in 5 people in this country think it's OK to commit voter fraud we have a moral problem in this country.

That’s a ‘horses have already left the barn’ level indicator.

Plenty of other indicator alarms have been sounding for decades 🤷‍♂️
That’s a ‘horses have already left the barn’ level indicator.

Plenty of other indicator alarms have been sounding for decades 🤷‍♂️
So let's go out and get involved in the process. Might not be an issue so much in most of Texas, but work the polls in Rio Grande valley or Austin and bet you'll be shocked at the "shits and giggles" complacency in order to manipulate the results.

Rest assured that these Election Thieves have likely NEVER been confronted. They literally have no idea what election integrity looks like after cheating for decades...

They have never had a Republican or Libertarian asking questions, logging issues, taking names, noting responses, and following up. You could be that Republican or Libertarian.
So let's go out and get involved in the process. Might not be an issue so much in most of Texas, but work the polls in Rio Grande valley or Austin and bet you'll be shocked at the "shits and giggles" complacency in order to manipulate the results.

Rest assured that these Election Thieves have likely NEVER been confronted. They literally have no idea what election integrity looks like after cheating for decades...

They have never had a Republican or Libertarian asking questions, logging issues, taking names, noting responses, and following up. You could be that Republican or Libertarian.
My mom has work her local voting precinct for years in Dallas county. The amount of questionable and seemingly outright fraud she has seen over the years is beyond belief. She's written report after report, sent them up through the proper channels and nothing is done. The Democrats who control the election process in Dallas County ignore it all.
So let's go out and get involved in the process. Might not be an issue so much in most of Texas, but work the polls in Rio Grande valley or Austin and bet you'll be shocked at the "shits and giggles" complacency in order to manipulate the results.

Rest assured that these Election Thieves have likely NEVER been confronted. They literally have no idea what election integrity looks like after cheating for decades...

They have never had a Republican or Libertarian asking questions, logging issues, taking names, noting responses, and following up. You could be that Republican or Libertarian.

Didn’t Republicans audit 2020 Arizona???

Yes…yes they did…

carry on

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