Wonder Woman wasn't that great of a movie. It was basically Captain America in a skirt.
She was around before Captain America.
Basically, he's Wonder Woman with a mask and a Brooklyn accent.
Captain America first appearance March 1941.
Wonder Woman first appearance October 1941.
Don't stop him. He was on a roll.
I’m so confused, too. Pretty positive he blew up in a plane....I thought he was dead. Was I hallucinating or did I misunderstand some plot device?
I’m so confused, too. Pretty positive he blew up in a plane....
Ok good, glad I'm not the only one confused.
In comic book world no one dies for good.
You guys actually think all those people that died in Infinity Wars are going to stay dead?
Superman didn't stay dead, Bucky didn't stay dead ...
*Ahem* Stll have not yet seen infinity war, Captain Spoiler.
Almost everyone on the planet has spoiled this one though...