Why won't Mike Huckabee just go away?

Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Unelectable, social conservative. And yet, there he is alongside fellow re-tread Mitt and yet another Bush at the top of the bill. Will the RNC literally never learn?

I have to admit - I rather enjoyed Jon Stewart taking him apart on his culture arguments.
Good question. Same goes for Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton (who first arrived largely on the national political scene some 24 years ago), and Joe Biden.
How come every time I see an advertisement talking about the list of potential GOP candidates Rand Paul is not included? Has he pulled his name out of the hat and I missed it?
Originally posted by ThorOdinson13:
How come every time I see an advertisement talking about the list of potential GOP candidates Rand Paul is not included? Has he pulled his name out of the hat and I missed it?
He has said he isn't sure if he's running .
A lot of these presidential aspirants are just going through the motion to keep their name in the news so they can extend their media careers and keep getting those checks.

Do you think it would change how some of you feel about campaign finance when the Republican primary comes down to Mitt vs. Jeb?
Wouldn't change mine. It would just be another year a Republican wouldn't get my vote.

This post was edited on 1/20 5:42 PM by ThorOdinson13
Originally posted by 07pilt:
A lot of these presidential aspirants are just going through the motion to keep their name in the news so they can extend their media careers and keep getting those checks.

Do you think it would change how some of you feel about campaign finance when the Republican primary comes down to Mitt vs. Jeb?
I tell you what man these ol' president elections waste of time man when all they do is just sit down man and don't do a dang thing about that dog man.
Originally posted by ThorOdinson13:
How come every time I see an advertisement talking about the list of potential GOP candidates Rand Paul is not included? Has he pulled his name out of the hat and I missed it?
Full-fledged media blackout on him. The establishment knows that he's not a whore to the highest bidder like 99% of the other politicians out there and they are terrified of him.
I can go ahead and kill all the suspense now....its going to be Hillary vs. some old boring, same old shite Republican with the same tired platform, etc. The Republican might win this time, but frankly I doubt it will make much difference in the life of the average person. To summarize it will be a Democratic POS vs. a Republican POS and we can devote 90% of the threads on the board to which one is a bigger POS.
60% of Americans are against late term abortion, yet the GOP led House voted a measure down.

Turn your back on millions who have been carrying the water for you and you'll become even more irrelevant.

There's a reason a good number of us have gone independent and will stay that way.

I hope the Democrats win for the next 100 years.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by NeekReevers:
I can go ahead and kill all the suspense now....its going to be Hillary vs. some old boring, same old shite Republican with the same tired platform, etc. The Republican might win this time, but frankly I doubt it will make much difference in the life of the average person. To summarize it will be a Democratic POS vs. a Republican POS and we can devote 90% of the threads on the board to which one is a bigger POS.
There won't be a pro-life statement in the GOP platform. I can almost guarantee it.

In fact, with most of the candidates being bought and paid for by the same people, there won't be much difference between either candidate other than whether you like red or blue.

Our country sucks politically.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by BIGOSUFAN:

Originally posted by ThorOdinson13:
How come every time I see an advertisement talking about the list of potential GOP candidates Rand Paul is not included? Has he pulled his name out of the hat and I missed it?
Full-fledged media blackout on him. The establishment knows that he's not a whore to the highest bidder like 99% of the other politicians out there and they are terrified of him.
There's probably some truth to this. I think the real media balckout story is the way the major media pretends there is no one OTHER than Hillary who could possibly be the Democrat pick for 2016.
Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:
There's probably some truth to this. I think the real media balckout story is the way the major media pretends there is no one OTHER than Hillary who could possibly be the Democrat pick for 2016.
Probably the height of wishful thinking on my part, but I just get the feeling that Hillary isn't running. Maybe she is doing all of this so to take the heat so that the other candidates don't have a target on their backs until primary season, a stalking horse if you will. Seems even more desperate when I put it in words.

The Washington media actually sees itself as a filter and they do everything they can to make sure that an establishment candidate gets selected. If you do some searching you can find quotes from members of the media saying as much. Bush v McCain. Kerry v Dean. Mitt v Everyone. If you think anyone outside of Mitt or Jeb will be the republican nominee then you are as deluded as I am about Hillary.
I think the bill Clinton sex slave story keeps Hillary out of the race.

People like huckabee or fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani only run for president to increase star power. Sell books, endorse products and the like. Huck will shower the evangelicals with their red meat and then sign with AARP to sell life insurance or reverse mortgages right after writing a book about his humble upbringing in scenic Mytown in Dixie county red state USA.
Scott Walker, the guy I've been hoping would get in the mix, is more electable imo.

This post was edited on 1/26 4:27 PM by TPOKE
Originally posted by HighStickHarry:
I think the bill Clinton sex slave story keeps Hillary out of the race.

People like huckabee or fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani only run for president to increase star power. Sell books, endorse products and the like. Huck will shower the evangelicals with their red meat and then sign with AARP to sell life insurance or reverse mortgages right after writing a book about his humble upbringing in scenic Mytown in Dixie county red state USA.
I agree with this, word for word.

I would also add that there are some true believers who also don't have much of a chance like Bachman, Perry, and Paul. I think they know they can't win, but they run to shape the narrative and move the party however marginally towards their ideological direction.

I still don't know where to classify Chris Christie, I could be convinced that he is a contender, believer or a promoter on any given day.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by HighStickHarry:
I think the bill Clinton sex slave story keeps Hillary out of the race.

People like huckabee or fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani only run for president to increase star power. Sell books, endorse products and the like. Huck will shower the evangelicals with their red meat and then sign with AARP to sell life insurance or reverse mortgages right after writing a book about his humble upbringing in scenic Mytown in Dixie county red state USA.
I agree with this, word for word.

I would like to change my opinion then. To what? I don't care, but just change it.
Originally posted by HighStickHarry:

Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by HighStickHarry:
I think the bill Clinton sex slave story keeps Hillary out of the race.

People like huckabee or fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani only run for president to increase star power. Sell books, endorse products and the like. Huck will shower the evangelicals with their red meat and then sign with AARP to sell life insurance or reverse mortgages right after writing a book about his humble upbringing in scenic Mytown in Dixie county red state USA.
I agree with this, word for word.

I would like to change my opinion then. To what? I don't care, but just change it.
Yeah, don't want to have the same opinion as a liberal. Only pussies agree with liberals.
I was referring to your grandiose image of yourself that is put on display through snark and belittlement of others.

But yea the other thing is probably worse.
Originally posted by HighStickHarry:
I was referring to your grandiose image of yourself that is put on display through snark and belittlement of others.

But yea the other thing is probably worse.
Outstanding way to determine your beliefs.
Originally posted by ThePokewithNoName:
60% of Americans are against late term abortion, yet the GOP led House voted a measure down.

Turn your back on millions who have been carrying the water for you and you'll become even more irrelevant.
Whether Americans are against late term abortion or not, Republicans initiating a national discussion on abortion, rape and requiring women to report their rape to the cops........immedately after gaining control of congress......was a truly disastrous political decision that could haunt them into 2016 (considering who they are likely running against).

Particularly as the GOP did incredibly well in the recent elections by NOT bringing up abortion or social issues.

Politicians from the 'old white men' party bringing up rape......holy hell. Way to walk straight into the democrat narrative without even being baited.
Originally posted by NZ Poke:

Originally posted by ThePokewithNoName:
60% of Americans are against late term abortion, yet the GOP led House voted a measure down.

Turn your back on millions who have been carrying the water for you and you'll become even more irrelevant.
Whether Americans are against late term abortion or not, Republicans initiating a national discussion on abortion, rape and requiring women to report their rape to the cops........immedately after gaining control of congress......was a truly disastrous political decision that could haunt them into 2016 (considering who they are likely running against).

Particularly as the GOP did incredibly well in the recent elections by NOT bringing up abortion or social issues.

Politicians from the 'old white men' party bringing up rape......holy hell. Way to walk straight into the democrat narrative without even being baited.
Its kind of like the college football season. If you lose early in the season, you can still be highly ranked at the end. If you lose at the end of the season, you are out. So, take the bad PR hits right after the election and then try to make up the publicity as you approach the next election cycle.
Originally posted by HighStickHarry:
I think the bill Clinton sex slave story keeps Hillary out of the race.

People like huckabee or fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani only run for president to increase star power. Sell books, endorse products and the like. Huck will shower the evangelicals with their red meat and then sign with AARP to sell life insurance or reverse mortgages right after writing a book about his humble upbringing in scenic Mytown in Dixie county red state USA.

You should read today's "Morning Jolt" from Jim Geraghty (NRO); he sheds some light on the Huckster's folksiness.
There's an entire cottage industry of the more socially conservative political types who have an extensive contributor list, who have figured out several ways to use a PAC to enrich themselves. (Stephen Colbert did a great series on the topic of how you could raise funds ostensibly for one purpose, pass them through to a non-profit and end up basically banking everything on the backside of things virtually tax free.)

There's a number of very well known people who are experts in this field and can figure out ways to get, typically older more conservative, white folk out there, to be worked over in the same way and manner that most televangelists do. I remember reading a very long and very well documented article on this a few years back who traced some of the inter-workings and connections between dozens of the larger "fund raising" companies that specialize in conservative political circles. This can all be traced back to the beginnings of PACs some 35-40 yrs ago and to the few people who really thought up ways to make a buck off of them.

Look at some of the PACs being run by fairly well known conservatives and when you analyze their public filings, it looks like out of every million $ they take in, their lucky if a few thousand actually goes to a candidate or advertising for a cause, etc. Sarah Palin's PAC for example only spent 5.5% of the money they raised on actually moving a political agenda forward, the vast, vast majority of it went for fund-raising and "expenses." The deal is, many of these "fund raising" companies that team up with the conservative politicians actually make that person a "partner" in the fund raising company they hire, so that the politician gets a cut from the front end and back end of things.

You can bet your ass a guy like Huckabee knows the movers and shakers in the industry and has undoubtedly signed up with one or more of them to raise funds for his purported candidacy. He doesn't want to be President, he wants to cash out like Newt, Bachmann, Lott and so many others before him have done. You wanna do business, you sign up with one of these fundraising companies and often they can make someone, if not rich, pretty damned comfortable.

And yes, I'm certain that there is some equivalent sort of organizational and politically/financially entangled sort of similar type political - industrial type situation on the left. (So don't think I'm so myopic that I don't recognize that the same thing happens on both sides of the political aisle.) It's just that I know some of the details of the players and how the right wing groups set themselves up long ago, due to that excellent article. I'll guarantee you that most of the most hard core political junkies around would never recognize the names of the power players, but those like Huckabee know them and know them well.

Consider that Huckabee had to abandon his $500,000 a yr job with Fox, so you can bet he plans on clearing at least that much and likely much more for him to follow this track.
Huckabee built a huge home on prime real estate off of Lake Greeson in Arkansas after he finished his term as governor. He wasn't banking enough as governor to finance something like that.

That bothered me back then and does today. Not sure how it happened and I don't really want to look into how it happened.

Politics is a dirty business and there are a lot of people getting fat wallets from both sides of the aisle by being a part of the process.
Originally posted by ThePokewithNoName:
Huckabee built a huge home on prime real estate off of Lake Greeson in Arkansas after he finished his term as governor. He wasn't banking enough as governor to finance something like that.

That bothered me back then and does today. Not sure how it happened and I don't really want to look into how it happened.

Politics is a dirty business and there are a lot of people getting fat wallets from both sides of the aisle by being a part of the process.
It is much less about the Rs vs Ds and more about the controlling elitists vs. the common man
Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:
Originally posted by ThorOdinson13:
How come every time I see an advertisement talking about the list of potential GOP candidates Rand Paul is not included? Has he pulled his name out of the hat and I missed it?
He has said he isn't sure if he's running .
Sadly he's going to have to pick his senate seat or running for president. KY law says you can't run for two offices at once and his seat is up in 2016, so he's going to have to pick.