Why isn't youtube held responsible?

Just read that one of the terrorist last night was radicalized by watching Musa Jibril videos on youtube. Why haven't those videos been removed by youtube or the government?

I just did a search and all of the nut jobs rantings are still there:
Probably because at this stage in the aftermath of a terrorist attack, rumors fly out faster than news.

I'm not defending youtube, just providing a likely explanation.
Think of it this way:
YouTube= Gun Manufacturer
Video= Gun used in a murder

There's a legal difference in the platform and the content.
There is a minimum due diligence that YouTube is required to do, and they indeed do the minimum; just as gun manufacturers are held to some standard of vetting before selling to affiliate or dealers, and they indeed uphold that minimum standard.

No one realistically claims the gun manufacturer should be sued, and YouTube (as long as they are doing de minimis monitoring and censoring) shouldn't be overarching-ly legally responsible for the content.

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