and why was he getting paid by Michael Flynn at the time he was involved in FBI investigations of HRC?
You do realize that Flynn has been fired?and why was he getting paid by Michael Flynn at the time he was involved in FBI investigations of HRC?
and why was he getting paid by Michael Flynn at the time he was involved in FBI investigations of HRC?
You do realize that Flynn has been fired?
I think a better question is why did Patrick Kennedy try to get McCauley to do a quid pro quo to change the top secret classification on Hillary's email?
You do realize that Flynn was hired don't you? Mixon's no longer on the ou football team, does that absolve ou of any responsibility for him being recruited in the first place now that we know he punched a girl in high school?You do realize that Flynn has been fired?
You do realize that was 17 days after discovering he lied and 90 or so days after the transition team was told he would need to register as a foreign agent.You do realize that Flynn has been fired?
I think a better question is why did Patrick Kennedy try to get McCauley to do a quid pro quo to change the top secret classification on Hillary's email?
Complete and total lie. Obama administration didn't care. I'm just pointing out the hypocracy.
Nobody cares. Hypocrisy is the new virtue and integrity gets in the way of omelette making. We (@MegaPoke and I) don't care about that silly shit any more.
It's hilarious to see you suddenly give a damn about integrity in politics.
I've come over to your side. We have to quit letting these cucks and liberals get in the way with their foolish ideas of honesty. Its actually liberating. I should have come over years ago.