Who do Democrats' have to blame for this ruling???


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Of course, they'll blame Trump for placing the three conservatives on the court.

But, they also have to look to one of their own for blame. If Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have retired during the Obama presidency, that would have at least made the court more balanced.

The examples of presidential power that the dims are using as being covered by this though - like ordering the military to carry out an assassination - are laughable.

It was also humorous that Sotomayor - in her dissent - said that presidents might use this to now be able to use their pardoning power to benefit financially. Say it ain't so! Got news for ya, Sonia: that's already happening!!

One last thing: does the open the door for Biden trying to "pack the court." I can guarantee you that there will be a lot of leftists who will be calling for Biden to do so.

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