Who deleted my epstein thread and why?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 14, 2018
Why do my posts get deleted? This is the second time recently. What's going on? Who's doing this and why?
FWIW I don’t see a deleted post, which I normally can via admin view.

"And just like that the pedophile ring is safe" was posted around 9:00 a.m. I'm not delusional, I looked at my browser history and the thread now is gone.
"And just like that the pedophile ring is safe" was posted around 9:00 a.m. I'm not delusional, I looked at my browser history and the thread now is gone.

If it did happen so what? You have no problem with Mitch getting his shit deleted on Twitter or anything else that google and Twitter does to silence conservative voices. Maybe you should be fighting for free speech for everyone and not just yourself and Dims. Now you know how it feels to be a conservative on social media, funny as hell if you ask me.
I could start a thread titled, "And just like that the pedophile ring is safe", and it wouldn't get deleted. I'm happy.
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I can start a response to a thread or start a new thread and if I do not post my browser saves it. Cause me some problems when responding to a post sometimes.
So @Syskatine, was Twitter wrong for deleting his tweets pointing out the death threats he was receiving when Dims post similar tweets and those tweets are not deleted? Are you a hypocrite or do you believe only in Dim free speech?
So @Syskatine, was Twitter wrong for deleting his tweets pointing out the death threats he was receiving when Dims post similar tweets and those tweets are not deleted? Are you a hypocrite or do you believe only in Dim free speech?

You, being a dunce and chronic victim, assumed I am claiming victim status. I haven't accused anybody of selectively deleting anything of mine. My previous deleted post wasn't even political. This is the reason I employed logic and ask questions to obtain objective facts.
You, being a dunce and chronic victim, assumed I am claiming victim status. I haven't accused anybody of selectively deleting anything of mine. My previous deleted post wasn't even political. This is the reason I employed logic and ask questions to obtain objective facts.

Your concern was about free speech and someone deleting your post. Otherwise, you would say nothing. Obviously, you do not care in engaging on free speech when it does not benefit you. So predictable you are, I and everyone else on this board knew how you would answer. Just further validates your hard earned resistance status.
Your concern was about free speech and someone deleting your post. Otherwise, you would say nothing. Obviously, you do not care in engaging on free speech when it does not benefit you. So predictable you are, I and everyone else on this board knew how you would answer. Just further validates your hard earned resistance status.

Pretty sure @Syskatine is a big believer in free speech on social media platforms. Or maybe that was @07pilt. Can't remember which.
Pretty sure @Syskatine is a big believer in free speech on social media platforms. Or maybe that was @07pilt. Can't remember which.

I haven't called for legislation. My official position is figuring out that one is hopeless. Facebook and twitter cant tell if an account is a mass produced, russia-operated account? On their own platform?

I have zero faith in big tech to do the right thing and my first and consistent thesis is we're all taking our eye off the ball and should be empowering the government to protect us, not stripping it of its authority. Threats to liberty change. One basic component of that is not controlling your own data, what's done with it, and who gets it. No offense, this isn't a slam, but several of you guys have published stuff that originated from Russia. That's factual. That shit targeted YOU. Your psyche profile. From data. The same way there;s a certain woman that will draw your eye every time, there's a political pitch that will catch your ear. We're all that way. That they sold you bad information, with your own data, should piss you off and I don't understand why it doesn't.
I haven't called for legislation. My official position is figuring out that one is hopeless. Facebook and twitter cant tell if an account is a mass produced, russia-operated account? On their own platform?

I have zero faith in big tech to do the right thing and my first and consistent thesis is we're all taking our eye off the ball and should be empowering the government to protect us, not stripping it of its authority. Threats to liberty change. One basic component of that is not controlling your own data, what's done with it, and who gets it. No offense, this isn't a slam, but several of you guys have published stuff that originated from Russia. That's factual. That shit targeted YOU. Your psyche profile. From data. The same way there;s a certain woman that will draw your eye every time, there's a political pitch that will catch your ear. We're all that way. That they sold you bad information, with your own data, should piss you off and I don't understand why it doesn't.

The Russian Collusion Delusion was pointed at you and you bought it hook, line, and sinker. Russia got the interference in our Democratic process they wanted, they wanted you to overturn a properly elected President over lies. You have no basis to preach, none. Wake up and smell the coffee on the origins of the Steele Dossier, Hillary’s involvement in financing it, and the FBI hiding behind its authority to lie to judges to spy on a Presidential candidate and establish a self
confessed and documented insurance policy. No outrage from you on this, zero.
The Russian Collusion Delusion was pointed at you and you bought it hook, line, and sinker. Russia got the interference in our Democratic process they wanted, they wanted you to overturn a properly elected President over lies. You have no basis to preach, none. Wake up and smell the coffee on the origins of the Steele Dossier, Hillary’s involvement in financing it, and the FBI hiding behind its authority to lie to judges to spy on a Presidential candidate and establish a self
confessed and documented insurance policy. No outrage from you on this, zero.
El lol
Here is a very plain statement of my probability of that theory:

I'm now 44.35% convinced that Biff's campaign actively colluded with Putin's gang to finance and enable the Russian propaganda campaign.

I'll accept your public apology now for that deliberate lie.

Care to address the Steele Dossier? The financing? The FBI involvement? Of course not, your head to far up its elitist and ignorant azz. You still believe in deplorables and this country being full of racists. Talk about a dumb and compliant MFer, there is your apology.
Here is a very plain statement of my probability of that theory:

I'm now 44.35% convinced that Biff's campaign actively colluded with Putin's gang to finance and enable the Russian propaganda campaign.

I'll accept your public apology now for that deliberate lie.

So, there's probably no old posts from you about indictments we could expect from Mueller (who you may remember, was specifically investigating Russian election interference and the Trump campaign's role in colluding with them) right?
If it did happen so what? You have no problem with Mitch getting his shit deleted on Twitter or anything else that google and Twitter does to silence conservative voices. Maybe you should be fighting for free speech for everyone and not just yourself and Dims. Now you know how it feels to be a conservative on social media, funny as hell if you ask me.

The Dunce, in addition to being a liar, has no honor.

The Russian Collusion Delusion was pointed at you and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Here is a very plain statement of my probability of that theory:

I'm now 44.35% convinced that Biff's campaign actively colluded with Putin's gang to finance and enable the Russian propaganda campaign.

I'll accept your public apology now for that deliberate lie.

Care to address the Steele Dossier? The financing? The FBI involvement? Of course not, your head to far up its elitist and ignorant azz. You still believe in deplorables and this country being full of racists. Talk about a dumb and compliant MFer, there is your apology.


I'm gonna spoon feed this lie and non-apology to you conservatives over and over. This is a great example of how MAGA can't deal with reality,so they just make up strawmen positions. Look how ya'lls pet dunce is caught lying and sticks his bottom lip out. No honor.
The Dunce, in addition to being a liar, has no honor.


I'm gonna spoon feed this lie and non-apology to you conservatives over and over. This is a great example of how MAGA can't deal with reality,so they just make up strawmen positions. Look how ya'lls pet dunce is caught lying and sticks his bottom lip out. No honor.

LOL. I live rent free in your head now. You reference 2 posts and neither one is related and neither one proves jack shit. Of course you are the master of collusion and creating links. The complete idiot on this Board is you, you post here everyday expecting to change opinions, change something. Post BS after BS after BS. Change, Otard’s favorite word, never said what he was going to change except give us perfect healthcare.

Tell you what, putting you on ignore as well, you are as worthless as Toon. So full of hate, so full of complete BS, just so worthless, a complete waste of oxygen when it comes to reading your drivel.

You are nothing more than a hateful troll, that is what Trump has turned you in to, you could not debate politics fairly if your life depended on it, too full of hate to think clearly.

I will put you on ignore and maybe you can get back some of the space in your head, or maybe you will talk in your padded room knowing somehow you got em.
LOL. I live rent free in your head now. You reference 2 posts and neither one is related and neither one proves jack shit. Of course you are the master of collusion and creating links. The complete idiot on this Board is you, you post here everyday expecting to change opinions, change something. Post BS after BS after BS. Change, Otard’s favorite word, never said what he was going to change except give us perfect healthcare.

Tell you what, putting you on ignore as well, you are as worthless as Toon. So full of hate, so full of complete BS, just so worthless, a complete waste of oxygen when it comes to reading your drivel.

You are nothing more than a hateful troll, that is what Trump has turned you in to, you could not debate politics fairly if your life depended on it, too full of hate to think clearly.

I will put you on ignore and maybe you can get back some of the space in your head, or maybe you will talk in your padded room knowing somehow you got em.

Your lie was plainly corrected. You either have enough honor to apologize for an obvious lie or you do not.

Of course you don't, we all know that. But that exchange will serve as a frequent reminder for you of why I decline to engage you.

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