Who can figure this one out???

First, everyone around the table is in on it.

The glass on the table rotates, it has a hole it in behind him. That's why the TV camera pans down, so you can't see the hole come around. He's moving the glass when his left hand moves in to cover the right arm. It's very apparent if you think about it.

My grandpa was an amateur magician and had a similar prop.
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I'm with you PDT but I don't see him rotate the glass when he pulls his arm out. I see they possible rotation when he begins plunging his hand in the glass but when he pulls it out I'm not sure how he covers it up. Guess that's what makes it fun to watch, I can have an idea how it's done but still can't see it being done.
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You can see the glass tugging his arm when he is pulling his other hand out. I'm assuming there's a mechanism that returns the glass back
Damn PDT, it must suck to watch magic for you. I watched it and thought damn that was cool. Read your explanation and watched it again. It was so obvious the second time and not at all impressive. Great catch on the arm tug at then end.
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There's some youtube video which shows how the trick is done, as PDT noted, there's a hole in the glass and a sliding mechanism that moves it into place. The way he places his arm/hand obfuscates the view of the hole moving in and out of place.

Notice that while he is "cleaning" the glass is other hand is cupped and on the glass hiding the hole. When he moves that hand over, he continues cupping while pressing firmly on the glass allowing him to move the hole over to the center.

Well, it's either that or he buys his supplies from Acme Corporation.
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