White House pushed Seth Rich conspiracy

good thing cnn isn't biased in any way and provide nothing but truthful articles.

Look, for the good of us all, quit. Don't bring that lame shit in here anymore. Quoting or referencing some crap from cnn doesn't hold any water. Unfortunately, there is no news network that doesn't have some kind of an agenda...but no one is worse than cnn.
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Look, for the good of us all, quit. Don't bring that lame shit in here anymore.

So. Don't bring CNN stories in here anymore because they are biased fake news, but FOX news is still OK. Is that how it works?
good thing cnn is biased in any way and provide nothing but truthful articles.

Look, for the good of us all, quit. Don't bring that lame shit in here anymore. Quoting or referencing some crap from cnn doesn't hold any water. Unfortunately, there is no news network that doesn't have some kind of an agenda...but no one is worse than cnn.

What agency would you like the report from?
A right wing conspiracy to deliberately push lies to advance a political agenda?
That Medic is defending?

Well, that's never happened before.
Uh huh. The left wing never pushes lies to advance to a political agenda. NEVER.

I'll bet if you flipped a coin 100 times and saw heads every single time, you'd never think to look at the other side before the next flip. Cool! Heads uh-gain!
and the guy is suing FOX for racial bias as well as this lawsuit. Not saying true or untrue, but amazing how a "friend of Trumps" say trump said xxxxxx to him and then he "repeats" the line/story to Wheeler and the media prints it.

My only problem with this would be when individual "x" says something that was told to them by say Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, the ex-rodent in chief etc etc and the person repeating the phrase/comment suddenly becomes a racist nut case who is mentally unhinged. Of course the media circles the wagons and excoriates individual "x". CBS news correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reminds me of this when she claimed her computer was hacked and that CBS was spiking stories.

Most if not all the media is a dishonest lot of tail dragging whores and would sell their own souls for "the scoop" even if the "scoop" is unsubstantiated BS. If someone wants to believe something they will, no matter what.

No, because CNN also reported it!

Uh huh. The left wing never pushes lies to advance to a political agenda. NEVER.

I'll bet if you flipped a coin 100 times and saw heads every single time, you'd never think to look at the other side before the next flip. Cool! Heads uh-gain!

The sad thing is that Seth Rich's parents were put through all this by Hannity, Chernovoch, Trump et al. Hannity probably knew it was untrue and kept pushing it. He kept pushing it even after Mr. and Mrs. Rich asked him to stop. Medic believed it because Hannity waved a flag and criticized Hillary.

That shows again how shit-hearted these people are. They don't love people, they don't love their country, they love hurting and lying and watching people like Mr. and Mrs. Rich's reaction to the lies. Reptiles.

Medic, did you know all along it was all bullshit, or did you just believe the same people again?
Most if not all the media is a dishonest lot of tail dragging whores and would sell their own souls for "the scoop" even if the "scoop" is unsubstantiated BS. If someone wants to believe something they will, no matter what.

Kind of a bitch move to blame media for this, imo. The media didn't push the wikileaks/Rich/assassination narrative -- the right wing did. Biff. Cernovich. Hannity. Fox.

The media did it's job -- it didn't pursue a made up story and hurt the Rich family to help conservative politicians and Cernovich's tweet traffic. This is ALL right wing bullshit -- right down your fairway. Score one for the mainstream media. This is just another obvious attempt at conservative disinformation. Again.
Medic believed it because Hannity waved a flag and criticized Hillary.
Geezus you're a dimwit. I simply point out that team politics is notorious for being dishonest and pushing narratives and you go full retard with my "believing Hannity." I'd ask you to point to my belief of this right wing conspiracy but that'll be like asking a miniature Chihuahua to battle a killer whale in the ocean. Completely pointless.

But damn syssy, if the Democrats weren't sooooo damn sleazy, these conspiracies would probably gain no traction, just like you don't with these dumbass posts.
They don't love people, they don't love their country, they love hurting and lying and watching people like Mr. and Mrs. Rich's reaction to the lies. Reptiles.
Speaking of reptiles, remember when Hillary told the families of some guys killed in Benghazi that they were going to get the maker of that video? And Team Obama was going to bring everybody to Justice? Strangely enough, I don't recall you shrieking about it despite the fact they were lying their asses off for, wait for it, the political narrative.
Medic, did you know all along it was all bullshit, or did you just believe the same people again?
I'll let you get back to licking your nutsack.
Are you suggesting that he is extremely flexible, has had it surgically removed and saved it, or that he has Elephantitis?

According to the now deposed Mooch, Sys got auto-fellation training and take home exercises from Bannon. He said Brietbart sells how to videos from their website.


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