While a born follower embraces the gaslighting, some of us do not.

Sys embracing gaslighting.

Not one of you addressed his lie. You've all self-indicted.
I admit. I didn’t read the Wapo article you posted. Just replying to your ongoing daily exercise in projection. I might read it later. But I probably won’t. Self indictment... feels good man.
It was just a bunch of lefty wailing about Trump summation hyperbole regarding all of the praise he's actually received from NATO. You should read it. It'll seriously make you laugh.
Hey Fatass just lied. Did you hear that?

Born followers: Oh listen to them screech. Totally owning the libs by lying.
Here is why @Syskatine is so angry. A while back, the leftist strategists reasoned that the only way to beat Trump is to separate him from his followers. That was the marching orders given to lemmings like Sys. As more time passes and he sees it is a fruitless effort, the only thing he can do is get angry.
He's definitely in the addiction column. But I have to give him credit. In a sea of good news this week, he dutifully screeched the latest leftist outrage on the board. TRUMP EMBELLISHED NATO PRAISE!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Just remember. He is the free thinker. You and I get programmed by Michael Savage. Or possibly Info Wars.
Sys and his ilk could try to win over some converts here but, I'd have no idea what they could sell us on.
80% tax on 250,000 or higher annual income?
Single payer, rationed healthcare?

Name one issue that'd have any remote, mass appeal.
What do you got?
So... anybody wanna discuss the OP or just have an angry reaction to someone that points out facts?

The anger. The personal attacks. The hive is unsettled.
Sys: "Look, Biff fabricated a quote. Looks like here's examples of him doing it over and over."

MAGA: Reeeee! Triggerred! Don't you know he can do no wrong?

Name one issue that'd have any remote, mass appeal.
What do you got?

State what I could ever come up with that would penetrate this:

"Trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and I’d support it."
I don't know if the Sec. Gen actually said the quote, but the facts are real: Trump did save NATO as at its prior funding, it was becoming an un-maintainable paper alliance.
Sys: "Look, Biff fabricated a quote. Looks like here's examples of him doing it over and over."

MAGA: Reeeee! Triggerred! Don't you know he can do no wrong?

State what I could ever come up with that would penetrate this:

"Trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and I’d support it."
Oh, just say you've got nothing.
That, we'd understand.
She appears to lack 'spousal' support. Feel bad for her.
In retrospect, it's not satisfying at all.

That these grown individuals on the left, and to a lesser extent on the right, can't handle their business like grownups...I mean she's throwing a temper tantrum in an causing the greatest societal angst in a generation.

It's pathetic and sad.
Remember the revolution thread during the Obama presidency?

I'd imagine any thread like that was first term, but given his weaponization of the government against half its citizenry, it probably should have been a theme throughout.

Any more brain busters?
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Who knew pointing out an obvious lie was so provocative?

Everyone that's against obvious lies from politicans... Aye on 1 !


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