When is Imprisoning Someone, the Right Action for Soceity to Take?

Bitter Creek

Heisman Candidate
Apr 24, 2008
I would throw out a starter kit here, but my mind is so all-over-the-place right now, that I don't even have a two or three sentence answer to start the conversation with.
Maybe when they have done something wrong and there is a price society asks them to pay?

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
I'm thinking more along the lines of, is imprisonment more to separate the sociopaths from normal society, or, is it just for punishment. Also, if it is for punishment, is it the best form of punishment for most of the criminals that are incarcerated?
I totally agree that prison should be to separate the sociopaths from the rest of society. That said,
Perhaps prison works as a deterrent for some people who might consider criminal activity.
It all depends. In general, prison is a suitable crime for a breach of civility. Perhaps the length of sentences could be debated. I've thought that a couple of years sentence for several relatively minor types of crimes (versus 25 years or longer) would persuade many not to be repeat offenders. The theory is a short exposure to jail would be sufficient to change their ways whereas a long initial sentence takes away the incentive to rehabilitate. However, we've seen offenders get probation with the intent to dissuade them from continuing their crime sprees and they still continue committing crimes with impunity and then get more probation. That obviously hasn't worked.

Some crimes are of such a heinous nature that long jail sentences should be immediate and mandatory.

The travesty of jurisprudence is that many commit crimes and never serve a penalty. I am referring mainly to government officials who are never brought to justice due to politics. Here I am talking about the ignoring of crimes over the past 8 years by the current administration. Examples are the current IRS commissioner who blatantly lied to Congress, Lois Lerner etal, Hillary when compared to Petraeus, and all the repeated offenses committed by illegal immigrants which go unpunished.

There's more which could be written but I hope you get the gist of my position.
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