do ya'll think the revolutionary air traffic controllers had to go without pay?
We knew going into this that you wouldn’t approve.
You need to work on your photoshop skills
I try to ignore your posts as your comments are rooted in ignorance and self-loathing. But for you to disparage the First Lady for standing in the rain is over the top. That lady shows more class than you will ever hope to have, because you sir do not have any. Man it must be a challenge for you to live in this country every day.
That would be true. I need someone to work on a little project I'm putting together for the board's amusement, too, if you know anybody.
do ya'll think the revolutionary air traffic controllers had to go without pay?
That would be true. I need someone to work on a little project I'm putting together for the board's amusement, too, if you know anybody.
Sysk would cream his panties if FLOTUS got within 50 yards of his pansy lib ass.
Kinda silly to point out this Trump mistake. Others have done just as bad.
Everything is the same, nothing matters, both sides did it. Whataboutisim. It’ll kill ya.Kinda silly to point out this Trump mistake. Others have done just as bad.
Anu to you too blue dude.nice snowflake avatar Pokea; very stylish
Dementia isn’t pretty.Who gives a fvck? Serious question. It was funny at first and now it looks like your latest drunk 70 year old book selling hermit rape accuser story.
Let it go.
do ya'll think the revolutionary air traffic controllers had to go without pay?
I watched the whole thing outside of one misspoken word the entire thing was a beautifully done tribute to our country, our brave military and was done without self promotion or politics.I'm just now getting caught up. As you can imagine, I refused to watch it.
I see he bragged non-stop about military, molested our history, our white trash Flhotus hosted an impromptu wet t-shirt contest, and the military gave him like... 2 apc's and 2 tanks to park. Sorry I missed that pageantry.
Oh, he had to have AF1 fly over. Of course he did.
Dem jobs doe.
I put this up there with Obama saying he was going to campaign in 57 states. Make as many speeches you are bound to make flub ups like this. Everyone knows he meant to say ports and just slipped up. No big deal.
“Beef” is funny.
He's super duper in his pooper gay so cut him some slack. If it was Michelle's balls glistening in the rain he'd have woofed woofed woofed.“Beef” is funny.
But your anti-nice-set-of-boobs stance is irritating.
You have a way with words. I aspire to this level of literary inspired imagery. Sorta.If it was Michelle's balls glistening in the rain