What would you plant or do after a controlled burn...


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 22, 2003
Small ranch North of Denton, TX
Hey guys, having a controlled burn done now... on a few thousand acres of cattle range/deer woods with about 50/50 pasture that has grown up (lots of brambles in the pasture). It needed to be done, but I've never messed with a fall burn before. I still don't know exactly what it will look like and how it will affect us. Also Don't know how many bigger trees will be affected but I hope most remain untouched....meaning I hope the current food sources are still around and enough cover remains to hold them during the day. We are talking Latimer County in SE OK.
There is a good acorn crop coming on.

I'm thinking of planting some food plots to lure the deer back in, etc. What else might you do? What is your preference for planting in a no-till situation? Peas/radish?....
Since we are likely talking annuals more than perennials, it is the immediate support for the population of deer and turkey etc that I'm looking for. While I admit it is primarily to bring in deer for the early and late archery season, with the burn, browse and plant based protein will be limited and what is there should be at a premium... so I want something to attract them back into the area but also help them with extra nutrition through the winter. There will be acorns but there needs to be more variety than that. I'll also do some feed some corn and rice brand in limited quantities. I want to use a no-till planting.
Initially 'm thinking of planting some fall blends of brassicas and red and white clovers, maybe turnips, and not sure what else. I've read the if established in the fall, they can come back the next year as well. I will do a mix because of the potential for only certain seeds to grow in the usually acidic soil of SE OK. The Nobel foundation is an awesome suggestion and I'll look into. I lived in Ardmore and worked with a few people 30 yrs ago, so while those people are not there anymore.
While writing this it just occurred to me to call a good feed and seed store in the area and see what seems to grow best there. I just need good information before I can do much.
On the working cattle ranch my lease is on, I can't fence off large parcels for fields, but I can smallish areas and so I have put in 4 small plots to hunt over, vs the larger plots often used to draw deer. I don't need to draw more deer, I just need to funnel them into areas that increase they likelihood of getting a good bow shot. We'll see how this works. I ended up planting a fall combination of various seeds to see what comes up and how well it does this year without adding anything to adjust the pH.

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