What % of our poor cannot get out of poverty?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Apr 21, 2006
Just guessing but I would say 25% based on disabilities mental or physical? What do you think?
On what time frame are you talking? I grew up dirt poor and have been most of my life. I'm just now getting to the point that I'm comfortable.

Cannot get out ever. Stuck, held down and no amount of effort can work. The “left behind” narrative.
My Dad grew up in a family that was poor to the extent, where for three years, not every kid ate every day. When my parents got married, they made a commitment to save some portion of every check that they ever cashed. They retired early and now spend their days handing out free food via their church's food pantry to people that are 1/3rd their age and have never felt the pain of poverty that they did.

It can happen during ones' own life span if you are diligent.
One company of mine is a vendor to Sec 8 apartments. Many of the residents living there are able bodied and choose not to work or try to avoid work. Some of the complexes we have serviced have had 3 generations of families living in the same complex. Just like illegals crossing into the US, these residents know how to manipulate the system to their advantage.
What's really sad is that if those who are capable of being self-sufficient didn't leech off the system, there would be more than enough money to take care of the % that actually needs the system.
Exactly! If the corporations and the Rich weren’t so proficient at gaming our tax system we could afford damn near every and any social program we want.
Exactly! If the corporations and the Rich weren’t so proficient at gaming our tax system we could afford damn near every and any social program we want.

Gaming the tax system are you simple? The laws are the laws and it would be ridiculous not to use them for your shareholders advantage.
Gaming the tax system are you simple? The laws are the laws and it would be ridiculous not to use them for your shareholders advantage.
Spoken like a True socialist.
So i used the google machine and it told me there are 52 million people on some kind of government program and that 30% are disabled. Not sure what the criteria for being disabled is.
Want corporations to quit gaming the system......flat tax.... Everyone pays the same percentage...... Corporations.... Individuals.... Everyone. And money is only taxed once.

xplor58, one of my biggest loathings of government is taxing the interest on my savings. Am taxed on the income of which a portion goes into savings and then taxed again as am able to build that account up for of all silly things retirement. In fact your taxed again and again for the amount of interest collected on a savings account. For every dollar I've saved over a 30 year period, it has been taxed 30 times.....outrageous. And yes I know you can put those amounts in CD's etc., but thats a congressional created dodge, why not just let people have savings and not tax the interest, especially when most use said saving for emergencies. Use a CD for emergencies and you get hammered.

There should absolutely be a maximum amount of money one can draw from to stay "poor" in their lifetime. The children and elderly should absolutely be taken care of when situations don't allow them the necessities for living. The able bodied should work or starve, once they burn through their lifetime allotment.
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So i used the google machine and it told me there are 52 million people on some kind of government program and that 30% are disabled. Not sure what the criteria for being disabled is.
Finding a doctor who will sign the forms certifying the disability.

I saw a segment on 60 Minutes many years ago about the gaming of the social security disability system in New Orleans. There were numerous families in and around South Louisiana who went to a cadre of doctors after each birth. These doctors signed forms stating the kids were disabled due to the environment they lived in. After a couple of months, the mothers started receiving a $400-500/month check in the mail...for each child. Some of the women had 5 or more children and with each new birth came another check. Some of these women were bringing in $3,000 - $4,000/month tax free on top of their food stamps, welfare and Sec. 8 vouchers.
So i used the google machine and it told me there are 52 million people on some kind of government program and that 30% are disabled. Not sure what the criteria for being disabled is.

There has never been a safer time to work than now, so it is likely more lifestyle related than job-injury related. I have empathy for those that have eaten, drank, smoked and drugged themselves into being disabled, but I'm not sure that funding their lifestyle is the best way to prevent it.

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