Every year I lean more and more towards moving education away from the government and in to the hands on a free market as being a good idea. I think there is a middle option where parents can have a choice as to what private school they send their kids to. The private schools can meet certain requirements about core cirriculum, student transportation, and disabled learning that qualifies them for a government reimbursement of a certain dollar amount for each student. I think the free market system has creativity, ingenuity, and incentives for producing a quality product at lower costs. Private institutions can tailor education to fit the needs of students and parents can choose schools that are better suited for their children and their life goals. Not all the schools have to charge the same, but they all get the same per student enrolled at their school and parents can supplement that if they want. This might create a bit more of a gap between "rich" and "poor," but think that the government has done an exceptional job of proving that it cannot produce a good product. I am interested in hearing what you think are the pro's and con's of this.