What is causing the blood clots


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
We know it's the shots but since the lab rats took and some keep taking them all the while the demons wouldn't tell anyone what was in the lab rat shots.

So what in the shots is causing and the mechanism? Here is a little research info

Nothing new- it's just not reported by fake news bc they are sponsored by...cough...big Harma

Once people start understanding (and yes, many have) that these people and big Harma , and the government entities are all in cahoots together to make everyone sick and make scores of billions of dollars off of in a years time- they will get it finally. Once they know these horrible entities, and the fake news that go with it couldn't care one one iota about any of us, and mostly despise the ground we walk on, then people will start to understand and see things a little more clear.

Right now the sheep, I actually think the TV propaganda is real news, and these entities listed above actually care about them, that is the big lie. At one time I'm sure it was probably true, but with oncology and vaccines to most the other meds, they all have horrible side effects, and make people sicker and they can sell people more drugs and treatments, it's that simple.

If anyone reads Dr Paul Thomas results over many years of kids and vaccines- you will know. When you know what they tried to to do him and others bc he told the truth a there should be zero doubt what they have been doing to us for many years.

The gene therapies- no accident they are killing and harming.
Childhood vaccines in kids is abuse and they are harming our kids everyday irreparably -
Demonic. Oncology does nothing but kill normal healthy cells and maybe some cancer cells but is just a trillion dollar a year money tree that give cancer patients horrible end of life pain and suffering- many natural ways to battle cancer - people need to stop capitulating to the system and paying them to harm them- there's a reason they have rooted out most homeopathic and natural treatments- no money in them and they work

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