What does this mean?

If you like your plan you can keep your plan?

If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor?

The typical family will save $2,500 a year on health insurance premiums?

Healthcare will be more accessible and more affordable?
At first blush it definitely contradicts the "conservative" narrative. Just making sure I'm seeing what I'm seeing.

Yeah. I predict he's going to be a lot more moderate than most people expect. We will see.
You're seeing it and I'm just as intrigued as you are. Gonna be interesting to look into this thing. Isn't it Rand that's dropping it Wednesday?

I haven't really kept up. He made a similar statement in the first fox primary debate and I couldn't believe it. He says lots of things but he's said this more than once. If he's being genuine and means what he said this will indeed be interesting.
He'll probably welch on it.

You really crack me up sometimes
I haven't really kept up. He made a similar statement in the first fox primary debate and I couldn't believe it. He says lots of things but he's said this more than once. If he's being genuine and means what he said this will indeed be interesting.

Now toss in his trillion dollar stimulus plan for infrastructure. Seriously, I believe you're going to like this guy more than you think you're going to and it's going to be at the expense of conservatives.
I have been confused on this whole "repeal and replace" thing for a while. Repeal Obamacare and replace it with ObamacareLite? I still have no idea what they are wanting the replacement to consist of or in what way be different.
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they are going to try to shift the costs more fairly, bring down the costs with some new ideas and policies, and make it more competitive. Will be interesting to see what they come up with that will be different, cheaper, and cover the same amount of people. I don't know how they can shift the costs more fairly and still have a health care program that can sustain it self. Bringing down costs won't happen and that should be priority #1. Medicare and Medicaid drive all this and that thing is way out of control. It will take a process...make some changes, wait for results, tweak it again, wait for results, then tweak it again. Do that for about 10 years and you might have something...but someone, mainly the same people, would have to be in charge of keeping consistency in the changes over that time frame. It's a tough one to make when the gov't gets out of the health care business maybe it will have a chance to survive. Of course, that will never happen.
You really crack me up sometimes
Now toss in his trillion dollar stimulus plan for infrastructure. Seriously, I believe you're going to like this guy more than you think you're going to and it's going to be at the expense of conservatives.

Yeah. He may give everyone something to love and hate. McConnell and Ryan aren't agreeing to any of that and he's led with his chin. He vs. the conservative congress may be fun.

I'm not totally convinced he's pro-life, either. It just doesn't compute that Trump would really be pro life.
I haven't really kept up. He made a similar statement in the first fox primary debate and I couldn't believe it. He says lots of things but he's said this more than once. If he's being genuine and means what he said this will indeed be interesting.

He's said it several times. It's one of the reasons it was said over and over during the primary that he's not a conservative. Even more intriguing end of this is that Rand Paul is a key driver behind it.

Yeah. He may give everyone something to love and hate. McConnell and Ryan aren't agreeing to any of that and he's led with his chin. He vs. the conservative congress may be fun.

I'm not totally convinced he's pro-life, either. It just doesn't compute that Trump would really be pro life.

I think the next four years is going to be entertaining. Establishment GOP is going to push back hard on him and the left will continue to cry over spilled milk.

As to being pro-life, he's said it's a state decision. Which I agree with and support.
Yeah. He may give everyone something to love and hate. McConnell and Ryan aren't agreeing to any of that and he's led with his chin. He vs. the conservative congress may be fun.

I'm not totally convinced he's pro-life, either. It just doesn't compute that Trump would really be pro life.
Dude, join the dark side. He really isn't all of the caricature the left has made him out to be. One of the reasons "conservative" board members here like him is because he isn't the classical neocon putz you and us have grown to despise. He just appears "conservative" to the far left and far right cracker heads because he isn't like them, cucked to fringe special interests.

He's by no means perfect, but I want an executive branch that is willing to remind the dipshits in Congress everyday that they represent the American people and not themselves and their money bag friends. Term limits are one of the first steps to clean out Washington. I want to see all of them berated and bitch slapped if they choose not to support term limits.

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