What do you miss the most about the Obamas?


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Sep 2, 2005
As we approach the final days of the Obama administration, some us will be teary eyed about what could have been while others will be celebrating their departure from the White House.

What will you miss about their absence? Tough call, but right now, I'm leaning towards their global warming hypocrisy. Preaching about man made global warming while traveling zillions of miles on a jet isn't for everybody. But President Obama does it like nobody else. For example, remember the Alaska trip to talk about global warming while depositing over 300 tons of freshly manufactured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? I'll miss the always calm and relaxed look on his face after blasting down to Florida in Air Force One for an afternoon of golf when he could have just driven to a nearby course for the same amount of exercise.

Three hundred plus tons of hiprocacy in one trip is a lot. But surely there are other things that we will miss about the Obamas. What are some things that come to your mind?
I will miss watching him destroy the Democrat Party. Thanks to Obama, the Democrat Party lost roughly 1,500 state house, state senate and srate assembly seats across the country, leaving only five states where the Democrats control the legislature and the governorship simultaneously. His Royal Excellency, the smartest man in the world, also lost the United States House and Senate in Washington, and he eventually gave us Donald Trump. I will also miss watching his brainless minions celebrate his presidency while their party disintegrates into a million pieces around their feet.
I will miss watching him destroy the Democrat Party. Thanks to Obama, the Democrat Party lost roughly 1,500 state house, state senate and srate assembly seats across the country, leaving only five states where the Democrats control the legislature and the governorship simultaneously. His Royal Excellency, the smartest man in the world, also lost the United States House and Senate in Washington, and he eventually gave us Donald Trump. I will also miss watching his brainless minions celebrate his presidency while their party disintegrates into a million pieces around their feet.
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That fantastic sense of humor.

His penchant for sincere self depreciation, what humility!

The almost daily fascination that comes from observing such a composite of easily identifiable personality traits, how he manages them most days, but occasionally the inner turmoil is laid bare.
I will miss his beautiful backswing, comparing my March bracket to his and Malia shaking dat ass

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As we approach the final days of the Obama administration, some us will be teary eyed about what could have been while others will be celebrating their departure from the White House.

What will you miss about their absence? Tough call, but right now, I'm leaning towards their global warming hypocrisy. Preaching about man made global warming while traveling zillions of miles on a jet isn't for everybody. But President Obama does it like nobody else. For example, remember the Alaska trip to talk about global warming while depositing over 300 tons of freshly manufactured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? I'll miss the always calm and relaxed look on his face after blasting down to Florida in Air Force One for an afternoon of golf when he could have just driven to a nearby course for the same amount of exercise.

Three hundred plus tons of hiprocacy in one trip is a lot. But surely there are other things that we will miss about the Obamas. What are some things that come to your mind?
Syrian blood dripping from oBUMa's lips. Cowardice. Golf trips and vacations. Divisiveness.
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Don't underestimate him. He'll be a powerful and influential voice in the media.

For whatever weird reason, his popularity remains ridiculously high for a President at the conclusion of a second term.

Interesting thought...wonder if this will give fuel to El Rushbo.
Don't underestimate him. He'll be a powerful and influential voice in the media.

For whatever weird reason, his popularity remains ridiculously high for a President at the conclusion of a second term.
I hear what you're saying. No doubt, the MSM will give his voice full amplification, but these will be the Trump years, IMHO. We'll see how it all plays out.

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