As we approach the final days of the Obama administration, some us will be teary eyed about what could have been while others will be celebrating their departure from the White House.
What will you miss about their absence? Tough call, but right now, I'm leaning towards their global warming hypocrisy. Preaching about man made global warming while traveling zillions of miles on a jet isn't for everybody. But President Obama does it like nobody else. For example, remember the Alaska trip to talk about global warming while depositing over 300 tons of freshly manufactured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? I'll miss the always calm and relaxed look on his face after blasting down to Florida in Air Force One for an afternoon of golf when he could have just driven to a nearby course for the same amount of exercise.
Three hundred plus tons of hiprocacy in one trip is a lot. But surely there are other things that we will miss about the Obamas. What are some things that come to your mind?
What will you miss about their absence? Tough call, but right now, I'm leaning towards their global warming hypocrisy. Preaching about man made global warming while traveling zillions of miles on a jet isn't for everybody. But President Obama does it like nobody else. For example, remember the Alaska trip to talk about global warming while depositing over 300 tons of freshly manufactured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? I'll miss the always calm and relaxed look on his face after blasting down to Florida in Air Force One for an afternoon of golf when he could have just driven to a nearby course for the same amount of exercise.
Three hundred plus tons of hiprocacy in one trip is a lot. But surely there are other things that we will miss about the Obamas. What are some things that come to your mind?