Well, somebody has to say it

Then yesterday the idiot president said European countries need to integrate muslim immigrants better. What a dip shit...hey how about the Muslims integrate better. Y not demanding crap like Subway removing pork from their menu or creating favelas that become no go zones for cops. What countries need to do is take care of their natural born citizens first and limit immigration across the board. Bet the optics with Cameron standing there looked great in the UK.
Originally posted by imprimis:
But, the French got a hug.

Nothing can top the "Heinz nipple-polisher" version of diplomacy; other than the "head" boob. This could be laughable, but the arrogance/incompetence has long been more scary than humorous.
We've got an incompetent narcissist as President, an embarrassing child groping buffoon as VP and a complete tool moron as a Secretary of State.

The Marx Brothers ran a country better than these fools.



This post was edited on 1/17 9:48 PM by Headhunter

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