We Face Powerful Dark Forces

Aug 20, 2011
...forces that can trigger left-wing democrat shooters and then blame it on Trump and his supporters...

... so as to push gun confiscation almost the same week they plan to release a movie about hunting down and killing Trump supporters...

...the week before they assassinate a pedophile who many predicted they would surely assassinate before he took the stand...

...and these forces know they can get away with this and more year after year and there is really not a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it...

Between now and election day 2020 the times will be hot.

Better get ready.
His estate, I would guess. But you would think they had probable cause for a search warrant since they had enough evidence to charge him and jail him.

The most damaging evidence has already been located and destroyed. Remember they damn near killed Epstein a couple of weeks ago, he told them where the evidence was, they got it and now he is dead. Now the biggest of the sick fvcks are protected but as usual some lower level errand boy will take the fall.
The most damaging evidence has already been located and destroyed. Remember they damn near killed Epstein a couple of weeks ago, he told them where the evidence was, they got it and now he is dead. Now the biggest of the sick fvcks are protected but as usual some lower level errand boy will take the fall.

Not sure how smart the guy was, but he was deviant in spades. Know as an insurance policy and probably for more investment “donations” he video tapped a bunch of these sick turds. He had to have the goods on a bunch of these people and they were scratching his back in return. Guy was a dead man walking.

One of my fraternity brothers worked for Bureau of Prisons, in Marion IL. He retired and works part-time now as an air-Marshall. When Whitey Bulger came threw OKC last year him and a co-worked made the transport transfer for the plane to WV. He said he talked to Bulger for a bit and right before they put him on the plane Bulger said he wouldn’t last a week. He didn’t last a day. Sorta of a different deal.......but if Epstein said someone was trying to kill him two weeks ago he should have been moved and watched very closely.

One of the expert Dr’s said it only takes 180 seconds to kill yourself by hanging. If that’s true, then why in the world would they only check on inmates every 30 minutes?

I do believe that we landed on the moon and Lee Harvey acted alone in killing JFK, but this whole thing stinks, just too many holes. Really hope investigators have their hands on the goodies.

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