Watching Cheney's chickens return to roost...


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
On one hand the shame and humiliation and total loss of any pretense of moral leadership in the international community is appalling and we deserve it for electing a Torture Regime.

On the other hand, watching Dick face the predictable (and unfinished) consequences of his leadership legacy restores restores faith in karma. He doesn't sleep very well at night. Someday people will shake their head in disbelief that Americans actually voted for the guy, the way we are with old pictures of segregated drinking fountains and prohibition flyers.

Dick taken down.
Nothing in the report is newThe report was written entirely by Democrat staff, who did not conduct a face-to-face interview with a single individual involvedthe release of the report was timed to distract form the disaster of Jonathan Gruber's embarrassing testimony before CongressFeinstein, Pelosi, et al all knew this was going to go on, and that it WAS going onYou're correct that one of the main purposes of the report was to once again blame Bush, and therefore distarct from the many controversies enveloping the current president, who's been in office now nearly 6 yearsI guess you believe that it is much worse to be waterboarded, in which the explicit purpose is to NOT kill you, than to be hunted down and killed by an unmanned drone, oftentimes with innocent bystanders also killed
Sys squats when he pees.

There's as much evidentiary value in the above statement, as there is in the report.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
They're probably not free range chickens, either. He probably cut their heads off and ate them for dinner when they came home to roost.

Democrats have a few chickens out there the CIA knows about, too. Wouldn't want to piss them off too bad.
Originally posted by shortbus:
My goodness.

This guy is a lost cause. I may finally use the ignore button.

Posted from Rivals Mobile

This board is much more entertaining because I vigorously use the "just say no to ridiculous crap" button. Try it; you'll like it.

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