War Is The Enemy

Fact is Peace Parties ultimately create the conditions for wars, big wars. Remember what Clausewitz said “War is the continuation of politics by other means.”

Granted there are forays into armed conflicts that for the US were mistakes and until we adopt a policy of going in 100% to win without regards to ridiculous ROE’s our politicians will continue to pursue the politically expedient solution instead of the winning solution.

The best Peace Party is the party that promulgates a strong military and readiness that forms an effective deterrent for your odd on despot.
Fact is Peace Parties ultimately create the conditions for wars, big wars. Remember what Clausewitz said “War is the continuation of politics by other means.”

Granted there are forays into armed conflicts that for the US were mistakes and until we adopt a policy of going in 100% to win without regards to ridiculous ROE’s our politicians will continue to pursue the politically expedient solution instead of the winning solution.

The best Peace Party is the party that promulgates a strong military and readiness that forms an effective deterrent for your odd on despot.
Sleepy says "what"?
War started by Hamas. You sleep with the enemy. Its sad really, you have surpassed Boobman as the biggest Boob on the Board. May I present you Hamas Boobman Dan. You have earned it. Propagandist Mf'er.

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