Want to Know Why Many People Don’t Trust the Media?

Wished I could say this surprises me...but it doesn't. They wanted it to be true so badly, they just ran with the story because it fits their political agenda.
And you believe this lol...tin foil hat threads are quite entertaining haha

Carry on
Here is what Breitbart is talking about in NBC's own words. Notice the date of NBC's article is 10-25-18. Yet, NBC knew that Swetnick and Avenatti were full of shit on September 30 when their corroborating witness denied knowledge of Swetnick's claims. Still, they sat on this information throughout the FBI's 7th investigation of Kavanaugh.
Here is what Breitbart is talking about in NBC's own words. Notice the date of NBC's article is 10-25-18. Yet, NBC knew that Swetnick and Avenatti were full of shit on September 30 when their corroborating witness denied knowledge of Swetnick's claims. Still, they sat on this information throughout the FBI's 7th investigation of Kavanaugh.

They were reporting on Grassley’s Justice Department referral. Spin spin spin till it’s dry lol

Jesus H, now quoting Breitbart as a source to bitch about media slant. Couldn't find a study sponsored by the National Enquirer regarding media fairness?

I'm amazed that people bitch about the media with FOX news on 24/7 for the last 20 years, like that doesn't count. Media got us in the Spanish American war, this is nothing new. People have been using ink by the barrel to sway public opinion since the republic's inception.
Jesus H, now quoting Breitbart as a source to bitch about media slant. Couldn't find a study sponsored by the National Enquirer regarding media fairness?

I'm amazed that people bitch about the media with FOX news on 24/7 for the last 20 years, like that doesn't count. Media got us in the Spanish American war, this is nothing new. People have been using ink by the barrel to sway public opinion since the republic's inception.
So your argument isn't to take issue with covering up and fostering lies to sew public discord and smear a good man's name, just that it's been going on forever so who cares and sometime it favors your side?
Remember NBCNews editing George Zimmerman's 911 call to paint him in unfavorable light. Or, you can go back to the 1990's when NBC rigged GM trucks to explode in fiery crashes and subsequently paid GM a boatload of money.
So your argument isn't to take issue with covering up and fostering lies to sew public discord and smear a good man's name, just that it's been going on forever so who cares and sometime it favors your side?

No, that's not at all what I wrote. Here's an example of what cheerleading, non-critical, half-truth media will get you:


I respectfully decline to read or click anything from Breitbart. That site has published so many slanted, lying articles I wouldn't know where to begin. It's like going to the National Enquirer (another pro-Biff media outlet, big suprise) for information.
Jesus H, now quoting Breitbart as a source to bitch about media slant. Couldn't find a study sponsored by the National Enquirer regarding media fairness?

I'm amazed that people bitch about the media with FOX news on 24/7 for the last 20 years, like that doesn't count. Media got us in the Spanish American war, this is nothing new. People have been using ink by the barrel to sway public opinion since the republic's inception.

Newb, find your own schtick. Ignoring content in favor of discrediting unpleasant sources is clearly cscott’s thing. There’s only 3 of you, try not to step on each other’s dicks.
Newb, find your own schtick. Ignoring content in favor of discrediting unpleasant sources is clearly cscott’s thing. There’s only 3 of you, try not to step on each other’s dicks.

"Unpleasant" should not be conflated with "credible" sources. Another silly argument.