Vote for Trump

N. Pappagiorgio

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 4, 2004
He certainly wasn't my first choice but I think there are three compelling reasons to vote for him:

1. He is very anti-establishment which I would think would be something libertarians would like. He's not another Romney or McCain and will definitely be hitting the reset button on plenty of issues.

2. I really believe he cares about America. Tough on border security...not afraid to say radical islam.

3. Hillary

I could have added Ivanka and Melania as reasons but that would be sexist and racist.
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Trump isn't anti-establishment in his politics. That's a joke. His views and actions are about as far from being libertarian as one can be.

He probably does really care about America. His toughness on border security seems extraordinarily transitory. We'll see I guess (in the off chance he wins). I like what he's done/said re: radical Islam, for the most part.
Trump isn't anti-establishment in his politics. That's a joke. His views and actions are about as far from being libertarian as one can be.

He probably does really care about America. His toughness on border security seems extraordinarily transitory. We'll see I guess (in the off chance he wins). I like what he's done/said re: radical Islam, for the most part.
So two out of three. Glad we can count on you now.
For what it's worth, I believe he will crush Hillary.

Assuming you're not Dick Morris in disguise doing your best Romney prediction, I'd really like to know why you think that will happen. I'm a cynic, and I just don't think he can hold it together once the media/Hillary's hounds start ripping into him.
Assuming you're not Dick Morris in disguise doing your best Romney prediction, I'd really like to know why you think that will happen. I'm a cynic, and I just don't think he can hold it together once the media/Hillary's hounds start ripping into him.

I don't see what she brings to the table that makes her so hard to beat. She's the ultimate establishment candidate. She's going to play from an old playbook just like the GOP establishment guys did in the primaries. Ultimately she will poll better but elicit less passion and turnout will destroy her.

I say this as a guy voting for Gary Johnson.
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For what it's worth, I believe he doesn't stand a chance.
I am afraid you are right. I think this will be a Presidential election record with both candidates having disapproval ratings above 60%. Unfortunately, I think more moderates will choose Hillary due to Trump's extreme brashness.
I am afraid you are right. I think this will be a Presidential election record with both candidates having disapproval ratings above 60%. Unfortunately, I think more moderates will choose Hillary due to Trump's extreme brashness.

Moderates on this board plan to stay home or vote libertarian.
He certainly wasn't my first choice but I think there are three compelling reasons to vote for him:

1. He is very anti-establishment which I would think would be something libertarians would like. He's not another Romney or McCain and will definitely be hitting the reset button on plenty of issues.

2. I really believe he cares about America. Tough on border security...not afraid to say radical islam.

3. Hillary

I could have added Ivanka and Melania as reasons but that would be sexist and racist.
Do you think Carly Fiorina has a chance as National Songleader if Trump wins?
I think Trump can win as well...he and his group are not idiots and my guess is that he already has done the research to make her look worse then she already does. Hildabeast also has a movie, about her and serial philanderer Bill's money grubbing ways, coming out soon as well. Would never count Trump out.......
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It will be quite the show watching her political operatives put out every piece of out of context possible turn off about trump while she plays damsel in distress when he does the same thing with his own mouth about her.

We are in for a true trash tabloid 21st century presidential race. Our culture has been leading up to this climax and it will perfectly reflect the loud mouths that have started to run this country through their obnoxious social media bull horns.

Personally I'm looking forward to Anthony weiner references.
Assuming you're not Dick Morris in disguise doing your best Romney prediction, I'd really like to know why you think that will happen. I'm a cynic, and I just don't think he can hold it together once the media/Hillary's hounds start ripping into him.
There are several factors that I believe will be heavily in Trumps favor.

He will get votes from people no other Republican could possibly pull in mainly because he focuses on economic and security issues and not social issues.

He'll get most of the Republican vote except for the hard core never Trump people who have their feelings hurt because they've been proven wrong at every turn. But the other voters Trump is going to get are blue collar workers, including union workers, who are jobs voters. He'll get many independents because even if they don't like him Hillary is even more unlikable, plus he's going to bring in Republican voters who had given up on the current Republican establishment and quit voting.

If you've been paying attention Trump keeps saying how bad Bernie is getting screwed by Democrats, this is a direct appeal to those voters on the left who can't stand Hillary to vote for him and a lot of them will because they don't see Trump as a hard core socially conservative ideologue.

The main thing is Hillary is just so damn awful at being a politician and anyone with eyes can see how much she and her husband have enriched themselves by unethical and probably illegal influence peddling.

Trump has huge amount of ammo that he will not hesitate to use every opportunity to make Hillary and Bill look worse than Bonnie and Clyde.
It will be quite the show watching her political operatives put out every piece of out of context possible turn off about trump while she plays damsel in distress when he does the same thing with his own mouth about her.

We are in for a true trash tabloid 21st century presidential race. Our culture has been leading up to this climax and it will perfectly reflect the loud mouths that have started to run this country through their obnoxious social media bull horns.

Personally I'm looking forward to Anthony weiner references.

It sets the stage for Harry/Dong 2020.
Yes, people who aren't going to vote for Trump are only choosing to do so because they've "had their feelings hurt". This is just arrogantly ridiculous.

I actually agree somewhat with a lot of your other points.
I'm not voting Trump unless he completely blows my socks off in the GE. But I still think he wins because he's a winner who has destroyed the odds and polls by being unconventional, and Hillary has to this point been propped up like a banana republic dictator with rigged elections. That will not carry over to the GE.

No way she can think on her feet in debates with the guy. He will take two steps forward and one step back and win over many Cruz and Bernie voters who are saying no way right now.

In the end it will come down to voter turnout. The movement Trump is building will have more energy than the never Trump people and just ask Bill - Hillary doesn't make ANYONE passionate. Well except for the Oedipal complex case study who posts here.

I don't like Trump but I absolutely am loving watching him wreck the GOP and I see no reason he can't do the same to her. It's great except it all means he will probably win the damned thing.
It's basically foolish to predict trumps demise since we have been down that road every day for months and he keeps winning.
I agree. When he gets the nomination and goes head to head against Hillary and shows the people how her politics hasn't helped anyone, I think it will be different. I think/hope people are seeing the smoke and mirrors, no change rhetoric they've been shoveling for years isn't working. Bernie said it yesterday, the Republicans are going to go after her in ways he didn't.

A big bonus to a Trump win would be these hollywood people who say they would move to Canada if wins. Like we care.
I referred to the "Never Trump" people. If you consider yourself one of those then I guess I was referring to you. There are a lot of people not voting for Trump for a lot of reasons who I wasn't referring.

MJD you are sure thin skinned when it comes to Trump. He's going to be the nominee in the words of Newt Gingrich "never Trump people need to get over it".
I agree. When he gets the nomination and goes head to head against Hillary and shows the people how her politics hasn't helped anyone, I think it will be different. I think/hope people are seeing the smoke and mirrors, no change rhetoric they've been shoveling for years isn't working. Bernie said it yesterday, the Republicans are going to go after her in ways he didn't.

A big bonus to a Trump win would be these hollywood people who say they would move to Canada if wins. Like we care.

What Bernie said is correct, but that works both ways. Hillary isn't going to run on Obama's record. She will attempt to frame herself as the 2nd coming of Bill Clinton and appeal to Democrats/Independents/more moderate Republicans.

What Trump has going for him is:
  • Hillary isn't Bill, particularly when it comes to retail politics. She's just not likeable. Trump isn't either, but Hillary may give him an opening. I don't think so, but I've been wrong about him so far.
  • While Bill Clinton remains popular with Democrats and Independents, he isn't as popular as he once was and his 2nd term ended nearly 16 years ago.
  • Maybe, just maybe Hillary, or even more likely Bill, says something that questions Obama's legacy pisses off the Sun King enough that he unleashes the DOJ on Hillary at a crucial moment
And I agree watching the reactions of the Lena Dunham's and Cher's of the world would be fun.
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I referred to the "Never Trump" people. If you consider yourself one of those then I guess I was referring to you. There are a lot of people not voting for Trump for a lot of reasons who I wasn't referring.

MJD you are sure thin skinned when it comes to Trump. He's going to be the nominee in the words of Newt Gingrich "never Trump people need to get over it".

Nope, not thin skinned at all, just calling out stupid arrogance when I see it. I've already said I was wrong and Trump will likely be the nominee. What Newt Gingrich is telling you is get in line and vote for the GOP, just like you did for McCain and Romney.

I don't question the scruples of those of you who are going to vote for Trump. I don't want Hillary to be President either. I just think Trump is a bad response to a sh!t pile situation. You guys feel like your conscience leads you to vote for him? Knock yourselves out. He's probably better than Dole, who I held my nose and voted for in 1996.
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In the end I think Hillary will win because she will move back to the middle after she puts Bernie away. Additionally, Trump is in no way shape or form prepared for the Clinton Machine. The Clinton's have years of experience and unlimited funds when it comes to this election. Trump couldn't even figure out how to get delegates in a primary. Finally, I think a good portion of the population will be frightened of a Trump presidency. Hillary may be terrible but she's the devil you know. The Clinton's will scare the populace with stories of trade wars and nuking Europe and most will fall for it. Whoever wins I think they will be terrible in their own way. I don't see Trump "blowing up the system" as some hope. I see him helping the parties gain tighter control after 4 years of gridlock where nothing is accomplished as he will be unable to work with either party.
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I'm a little surprised Bernie isn't running as an independent. He's a a senile idiot, but he's gotten screwed.
In the end I think Hillary will win because she will move back to the middle after she puts Bernie away. Additionally, Trump is in no way shape or form prepared for the Clinton Machine. The Clinton's have years of experience and unlimited funds when it comes to this election. Trump couldn't even figure out how to get delegates in a primary. Finally, I think a good portion of the population will be frightened of a Trump presidency. Hillary may be terrible but she's the devil you know. The Clinton's will scare the populace with stories of trade wars and nuking Europe and most will fall for it. Whoever wins I think they will be terrible in their own way. I don't see Trump "blowing up the system" as some hope. I see him helping the parties gain tighter control after 4 years of gridlock where nothing is accomplished as he will be unable to work with either party.

Problem is, she's gone too far out on the left limb on one critical issue in order to make Bernie appear too conservative on gun control. She's going to have a hard time convincing people she's a moderate pro Constitution candidate after that. It's going to cost her a la Gore in the hanging chad days when he lost his home state of Tenessee over his gun control stance.

I think it would be delicious if that's what trips her up.
Problem is, she's gone too far out on the left limb on one critical issue in order to make Bernie appear too conservative on gun control. She's going to have a hard time convincing people she's a moderate pro Constitution candidate after that. It's going to cost her a la Gore in the hanging chad days when he lost his home state of Tenessee over his gun control stance.

I think it would be delicious if that's what trips her up.

There are copious quotes from Trump in the past supporting the ban on "assault weapons", including from his own book. Gun control will not prove to be a big negative issue for HRC.

Also, Romney carried EVERY southern state where this would likely be an issue other than VA. Romney also lost FL, but that isn't really a "southern" state for the most part, although those in the northern part of the state would tend to disagree.
Obama hasn't needed Congress' approval for a lot of the shit he's wanted to do. And now, neither will Trump (assuming he's elected).
Sounds good.

In general I agree with this, but there are some issues like immigration and Obamacare that absolutely need to be addressed.

Trump's foreign policy is where I am totally at a loss. I have no idea what it will be other than he and Putin will get along great and Mexico will pay for the wall. Hillary is fairly hawkish and her time at State does little to ease my worries. That is one area where the President can have a tremendous impact. We haven't had a good foreign policy President in a long time.

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