Video: this is Maine

The city in top video is Lewiston, Maine — population 36,000 — and a Somali population of around 7,000.



Back in 2012 (long before this video), the Lewiston mayor got in trouble for saying the Somali immigrants should assimilate into Lewiston’s society.


This little, obscure Maine city, is a microcosm of challenges and scenarios we’re seeing all across the US and Europe — especially in countries like Sweden and Germany. But also in smaller and mid-sized US cities which quietly received large influxes of refugees over the last decade.

Until recent decades, immigrants to the US tended to integrate into American society, whereas immigrants in Europe did not.

For example, pristine, “safe” cities in Europe often had immigrant ghettos and no-go zones with high unemployment and crime — European leaders denied the existence of these places until very recently.

All of this is something to analyze and observe for sure. The situation is definitely not going away — see the #Abolish-ICE protests — something that would have been completely alien to American society a mere decade ago
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The city in top video is Lewiston, Maine — population 36,000 — and a Somali population of around 7,000.

Back in 2012 (long before this video), the Lewiston mayor got in trouble for saying the Somali immigrants should assimilate into Lewiston’s society.

Are you claiming that immigrants should leave "their culture" at the door when they come to the US and embrace "US culture?" If so, what US culture should they accept?

Also, did other immigrants to the United States throughout history leave their culture at the door?

TThe situation is definitely not going away — see the #Abolish-ICE protests — something that would have been completely alien to American society a mere decade ago

You do realize that ICE was formed in 2003, correct?

Also, since when is it completely alien in the United States to protest a government agency or government action?
Not sure why the fire department did a street washdown for such a small area of blood. They even used foam. Hope they remembered to top off the tank.
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Are you claiming that immigrants should leave "their culture" at the door when they come to the US and embrace "US culture?" If ?


Imagine if you (as an American) moved to any non-western country and did not integrate into their society.

What do you think would happen to you?

And how do you think you (as an American) would be received by that country’s general population, media, law enforcement, etc?

By all means, name a specific country or countries you’re thinking about for any examples.

I’ve done lots of solo travel abroad (incredible experiences) and lived abroad, but never wanted to stand out like a sore thumb while abroad — especially post Iraq war in 2003 — the US and individual Americans became a **lot** less popular after that disaster.

It was uniquely bad for Americans abroad around the 2005 period. And we’re going to pay the price for invading Iraq for an entire generation. But I digress.

Obviously, you can’t completely avoid standing out, but there are some simple and respectful things you can do to help blend in (and integrate) to other societies— locals abroad appreciate that. It’s respectful to their culture, customs and way of life. And safer.

Related: North America and Europe are the only places that actually pay immigrants not to integrate.

I assume this started for the US after the establishment of LBJ’s mid-1960s welfare programs.

Ok. So focusing on these immigrants in Maine, how do you want them to change?

I assume this started for the US after the establishment of LBJ’s mid-1960s welfare programs.

So you think that before the LBJ presidency, immigrants (especially first generation immigrants) left their culture at the door when they came to the USA?
So you are saying that we should have no more Irish festivals, Little Italys or Chinese New Years celebration.

I think you should give up your Belsnickel and toothbrush mustache.
Ok. So focusing on these immigrants in Maine, how do you want them to change?

There definitely cannot be any FGM (female genital mutilation). And it should be publicly disavowed.

At least 95% of Somali women have undergone FGM (and 200 million women have worldwide), and there increasing reports of FGM taking place throughout the US and Europe.

Source re FGM:

Also, I remember the guy walking around “Little Mogadishu” (in Minneapolis) — asking people if they prefer US law or Sharia law.

Their answers were troubling. Integration for immigrants is very important.

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There definitely cannot be any FGM (female genital mutilation). And it should be publicly disavowed.

Also, I remember the guy walking around “Little Mogadishu” (in Minneapolis) — asking people if they prefer US law or Sharia law,

Ok, but did you see anyone in the tweet you gave advocating for FGM or Sharia law to replace US law?

And what is your response to orangestreak's comment about Irish festivals, Little Italys or Chinese New Years celebration. Should these be done away with?
Denmark, yes Denmark has finally started to realize the pitfalls of groups not assimilating and or living in enclaves.

The US cannot save everyone and that the knee jerk reaction to a conflict in BFE, is to import a bunch of refugees is baloney! Most persecuted group anyware in the ME or Northern Africa is Christians, not the Muslims. Think I read that less than 1% of all refugees admitted from these areas during the ex-rodent in chiefs reign were Christians, which is simply wrong.

We, as Americans, are fortunate to have the immigration past we have and I love that there are ethnic groups that still have an opportunity to celebrate their heritage. But even the morons in congress figured out at some point immigration needed to stop so those that were already here could assimilate (think it was 1923 or 1924). Where I see hajibs and or burqas I don’t see assimilation.
JD....not to hijack this thread, but did you read anything about the officer that got shot in Tulsa on Thursday? They contact the driver of a vehicle who’s tag doesn’t match the vehicle type and when they talk to him he says “you’ll have to kill me to get me out of this car,” so when the officer that was shot reached for his pepper gun the bad guy reached for a real gun and shot him. Is that SOP for LE? They were in a QT parking lot, but my gosh the guy is trying to use a pepper gun?????
JD....not to hijack this thread, but did you read anything about the officer that got shot in Tulsa on Thursday? They contact the driver of a vehicle who’s tag doesn’t match the vehicle type and when they talk to him he says “you’ll have to kill me to get me out of this car,” so when the officer that was shot reached for his pepper gun the bad guy reached for a real gun and shot him. Is that SOP for LE? They were in a QT parking lot, but my gosh the guy is trying to use a pepper gun?????

Use of force continuum. The least amount of force necessary to effectuate compliance with a lawful directive. Command authority. Less than lethal. Lethal.

Yeah....kind of where we are.
Ok, but did you see anyone in the tweet you gave advocating for FGM or Sharia law to replace US law?

In the Lewiston video, no. But FGM is already happening in the US, whether it's part of the law or not.

I'm sure you remember the Detroit Doctor getting arrested for it last year. The CDC estimates that 500,000 women in the US have undergone the procedure or are at risk.




In the Lewiston video, no,

Ok, then once again, why did you say the video? There is nothing in that video that supports FGM. Nothing in that video that indicates people are advocating for Sharia law to replace U.S. law.

What about that video made you share it NZ?

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