Victory in Allepo for the Good guys!


Heisman Candidate
Jul 11, 2005
The United States has attempted for 5 years to help their pals in AL Queda and ISIS to eradicate Syria's Christians. Thank god for Russia and Putin that it did not and will never happen. Great pics from Syria this Holiday season.

I find myself in the strange position of agreeing with Brt.

We had no idea who the opposition was and we wound up arming a bunch of radicals. Just like McCain and Graham wanted.

Assad and the Russians committed war crimes but the alternative was just as bad.
Can we just get rid of these two war hawking retards already. Man I hate those guys. I mean hate them. Every time I see those bastards on television I feel anger start to bubble inside.

Sincerely, people like these 2, what is their motivation?

Do they only equate strength with the ability to conduct and win war? Are they serving the military industrial complex? Something else?
Weren't we arming and supporting moderate Islamic terrorists? If we call them moderates it means they are good guys, right?

The Kenyan Idiot has been on the wrong side of every single Middle East conflict he's meddled in. I'm actually impressed that he could get it so wrong so many times. That takes a very special level of incompetence.
Can we just get rid of these two war hawking retards already. Man I hate those guys. I mean hate them. Every time I see those bastards on television I feel anger start to bubble inside.
Difference between the conservatives/libertarians on here and progressives/liberals. Someone in government is a knucklehead, regardless of party, they are called out.

Democrat morons are defended to the death by lib/progressives.
Headhunter, spot on man! I loathe McCain and have since the 90's. How much???? I wouldn't mind if Harry Reid moved to AZ, ran against him and won, that's how much!

The hypocrisy for the dems/libs is no more evident then the fact that in WV every outhouse and dung heap is named after the ole grand wizard himself and not one peep from any of those hypocrites to change that. I'll rank that right behind their other true hero FDR locking up Japanese AMERICANS in internment camps during WWII. Still have liberal friends blame that on Republicans. My response to that has always been that if Republicans had indeed been responsible for that travesty, don't you think Congress would have already pass some kind of edict condemning them by name? Course they have no answer and move on to something else.

I don't normally agree with Brt either, but his OP is spot on. Have no idea why preferential relocation treatment isn't given to Christian's by a large margin, instead of those un-vetable or under vetted young Muslim men, just ignorant.
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Have no idea why preferential relocation treatment isn't given to Christian's by a large margin, instead of those un-vetable or under vetted young Muslim men, just ignorant.
Because the person giving out the relocations isn't a Christian.
Weren't we arming and supporting moderate Islamic terrorists? If we call them moderates it means they are good guys, right?

The Kenyan Idiot has been on the wrong side of every single Middle East conflict he's meddled in. I'm actually impressed that he could get it so wrong so many times. That takes a very special level of incompetence.

Being so consistently on the 'wrong' side is why so many find it hard to call it incompetence instead of an agenda.
Being so consistently on the 'wrong' side is why so many find it hard to call it incompetence instead of an agenda.
I would completely agree except with his limp wristed approaches to our enemies, I firmly believe that he thought he could play nice guy and win over the Muslim extremists. He exhibited the same fantasy behavior toward Russia, Iran, Cuba, etc. I think his incompetence is a direct result of his idiotic arrogance that he could bow and grovel before our enemies and change their views of the US.
Just finished a book last night "Left of Boom" great read. CIA handler in Afghanistan and his successes against the burecratic inertia of getting things done. The last two chapters paint the rodent in chief, Hildabeast, our useless and alleged European allies in a trembly poor light as well as the Arab countruies that lie lie lie and have no respect for weakness.

There are quite a few redacted words and lines though, so that can get frustrating, although some of them you can figure out if your not a complete adminstration bootlicker.
I would completely agree except with his limp wristed approaches to our enemies, I firmly believe that he thought he could play nice guy and win over the Muslim extremists. He exhibited the same fantasy behavior toward Russia, Iran, Cuba, etc. I think his incompetence is a direct result of his idiotic arrogance that he could bow and grovel before our enemies and change their views of the US.
I believe President Obama has been both very sneakily working for a bureaucratic controlled secular socialistic style US government and also been totally incompetent in the way he has tried to govern/legislate and especially in conducting US foreign policy.

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