vehicle warranty marketing phone calls


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
I got a slew of voicemails warning me of an "urgent" issue with my alleged extended warranty - which of course I knew I had never purchased. After five or six calls, I became impressed with their persistence, and actually returned a call. They had the correct make/model/year, which got me curious as to how they got the info. The easy answer is that the dealer simply sold the info, being as how you sign reams of paper when you buy a car, they could have easily slipped a statement in there somewhere. Or, are Oklahoma DMV records easily searchable to list recent new car sales and registrations? I even read a claim that some states sell the info. Anyone got any insider knowledge?
Russians? Devil? I guess I'm going to have to take this to the Main Board if I want a serious response. I'm not sure why I even bothered here.
In Texas there are license plate lookup subscription services. Not sure how they interface with DMV/DPS.
I get this all of the time too...mostly through the mail. I always assume that the dealer is selling my information. I've got a former car salesman here in the office. I'll ask him and see if he knows.
I wasn't getting voice mails, but the same phone number kept showing up on my caller ID. I finally answered and it was some gal trying to warn me of the extended warranty on my son's car had expired and I needed to buy a new warrant ASAP. When I told her I sold the car 4 months ago, she could not get off the phone quick enough. Since then, no more calls.
I get tons of these calls, my assumption is data purchase from the dealership.

What else do you expect from car salesmen?
When I get calls about an extended warranty I lie to them and tell them my truck has 350,000 miles. I don't hear from them after that.
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