USA Powerlifting


Related: has anyone heard about the 6’2 220-pound Australian transgender “woman” dominating Australian and international handball?

Info (hilarious analysis) and highlights of her tossing women around like rag dolls.

Also, I dont recommend anyone watching TV (other than OSU games) — but if you happen to — you’ll likely see previews of TV shows and movies with 130-pound women beating up 190-pound men.

Question: are they trying to influence naive women into death-inducing behaviors?? Or just make women more confused and less happy?

Reminder: a major 2009 study found that women’s happiness levels have declined substantially since the Second Wave feminist movement began in the 1960s.

Well done baby boomers.

Link to study on declining female happiness:
“the myth that trans women have a direct competitive advantage is not supported by medical science”

can one imagine a united states congresswoman penning such ignorance?

Good gawd, the bitch wants no money for Homeland Security; this is a straw man.
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Same reason SDakota is enacting legislation banning girls with dicks from competing against girls without dicks.

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