He's right
I was just visiting with a friend about this yesterday
You want to curb school shootings
Start a jobs program for Vets transitioning into civilian life
They want to do it they agree to intensive mental health screening
Must submit to screening yearly
Ensure that all guards are wearing functioning body cams at all times
I'd even go as far as to put cameras in every room of the school and do live streams just like many daycares
Allow Teachers to voluntarily conceal carry
Require mental health screening yearly
Certification paid for by the state
Recertification yearly
Establish SOP's that only teachers know and use in certain situations beyond the standard active shooter
Keep your CC teachers anonymous
Need to know at leadership only
Require basic first aid training for all
Teachers who volunteer receive a higher salary
Ensure that those teachers who are armed have some form of instant identification e.g. vest, to put on in the event of an active shooter so SWAT/security can identify immediately