TX Attorney General = conservative integrity


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
In example number 159,545 of conservative hypocrisy, sanctimonious conservative Attorney General Kenny "Who me?" Paxton was arrested yesterday for violation of securities regulation statutes, including failure to register and fraud. He already admitted to not registering, an inexplicable move from a lawyer moonlighting as an investment advisor.

I'll be he's at a prayer breakfast as we speak.

This line is priceless: "Fattah’s office confirmed he has agreed to give up his leadership post on the Appropriations Committee, where he is the top Democrat overseeing criminal justice and science spending. He will be replaced by Mike Honda, D-Calif., who is currently the subject of an ethics probe." (link added)

Speaking of hypocisy, how about that staunch anti-gun Democrat Virgil Smith from Michigan shooting up his wife's car with an assault rifle?

Meanwhile, Hillary won't turn over her email server and Lerner plead the fifth while the IRS destroyed potential evidence after they knew it was potential evidence. I wonder what they are hiding?

I know your post is just trolling. And so is my response. But we both know that corruption, fraud, and hypocrisy is an affliction of the political class regardless of party affiliation. Just throwing that out to keep it real before we offer up more shining examples of each party.

Speaking of hypocisy, how about that staunch anti-gun Democrat Virgil Smith from Michigan shooting up his wife's car with an assault rifle?

Meanwhile, Hillary won't turn over her email server and Lerner plead the fifth while the IRS destroyed potential evidence after they knew it was potential evidence. I wonder what they are hiding?

I know your post is just trolling. And so is my response. But we both know that corruption, fraud, and hypocrisy is an affliction of the political class regardless of party affiliation. Just throwing that out to keep it real before we offer up more shining examples of each party.

When the governor and attorney general of the reddest state in the union are both under indictment, it's pretty remarkable. I don't think i've ever seen corruption on scale where both a gov and ag were facing criminal charges.

Forgive me for not getting too whipped up over the faux-scandals you've raised with HRC's email and Lehrner. Yawn. Ya'll cry wolf about 5 times a week and get whipped up over silly things. Nobody gives a shit outside of the right wing bubble and like Benghazi, it doesn't really resonate outside of the right wing media. Those are old, stale attempts to whip up a scandal, like conservatives did with Whitewater. An attorney general defrauding someone? That's news.
Lol, Glove went and googled up dem scandals in response. Gotta love when republicans are busted and they try to shift the topic.
I wouldn't address it either, Glove. When the top two elected officials in a state are under indictment... let's focus on a pennsylvania politician!
Lol, Glove went and googled up dem scandals in response. Gotta love when republicans are busted and they try to shift the topic.
I wouldn't address it either, Glove. When the top two elected officials in a state are under indictment... let's focus on a pennsylvania politician!

No, I didn't have to Google it. I posted it the other day. Greg Abbott is under indictment? That'll be news to him.

Meanwhile, the long time front runner for the Democrat nomination for Pres. has without a doubt violated federal law, and the Democrat's ranking member on the appropriations committee is up on RICO charges and sysk believes the charges against the Texas AG are a bigger deal.
No, I didn't have to Google it. I posted it the other day. Greg Abbott is under indictment? That'll be news to him.

Meanwhile, the long time front runner for the Democrat nomination for Pres. has without a doubt violated federal law, and the Democrat's ranking member on the appropriations committee is up on RICO charges and sysk believes the charges against the Texas AG are a bigger deal.
He knows the Texas AG thing isn't a bigger deal. He just doesn't want to admit his beloved people are very, very dirty.

I provided a link since syskatine seems to have selective amnesia.
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Forgive me for not getting too whipped up over the faux-scandals you've raised with HRC's email and Lehrner. Yawn. Ya'll cry wolf about 5 times a week and get whipped up over silly things. Nobody gives a shit outside of the right wing bubble and like Benghazi, it doesn't really resonate outside of the right wing media. Those are old, stale attempts to whip up a scandal, like conservatives did with Whitewater. An attorney general defrauding someone? That's news.

Uh huh. Keep spinning. I love the "right wing media" part.

I think you'll find out at some point why the video bullshit was thrown out on the Benghazi thing and why Hillary doesn't want anybody to have access to her server. And it likely has to do with high ranking Dems and Repubs and arms trade with Libyan and Syrian groups with Hildebeast smack in the middle.

Hillary also doesn't want anybody to have access to recover emails dealing with corruption on her doing favors for contributions to her charity and her and Bill's bank accounts.

Oh, and Lerner already admitted to the additional scrutiny of conservative groups. She just doesn't want to admit to the possible criminal parts, like divulging private and confidential tax return information to Dems.

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