Two More Law "Enforcers" Hard At Work

The only way I favor asset forfeiture is when it accompanies a criminal conviction.
So when a conviction is obtained and the assets are forfeited do you think they should go into the coffers of the police or somewhere else, the general fund, for example?'re REALLY offended by your inherent bias being pointed out.

REALLY, REALLY, REALLY offended apparently.
Lighten up, Buttercup! Just having a little fun poking you with a stick!
So when a conviction is obtained and the assets are forfeited do you think they should go into the coffers of the police or somewhere else, the general fund, for example?
If the criminal activity had victims, it should go to restitution. If it's a voluntary transaction, such as purchasing drugs, then general fund or school district sounds good to me.
Given a lawful conviction (not a plea deal, a full trial), it would make more money for the school districts than the frickin' lottery.

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