Two issues emerging from the conservative upheaval.


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
Anti-corporatism and socialized medicine are being chewed on by this alt-right/Biffsniff/"new" conservative/nationalist movement. I've hearing those themes being endorsed and they're traditional grass roots democrat issues.

The issues are grass-roots, red headed stepchildren of the nationalistic/conservative crew and the democrat party on a national scale. Both issues are popular with both bases. Both are nowhere close to being implemented nationally. The socialized medicine idea is being rebranded by the Biff crowd. It would be awesome if the issue converged and there was pressure on both parties to get it done.

The fact that congress has cadillac health insurance and it's so. &$%%ing expensive for everyone else will piss off these nationalists. It's the kind of populist anecdote issue that one of them will start working in primaries and it'll generate some heat.
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Not many.

Lots of wolves in sheep's clothing.

There's a reason Ted Cruz and Rand Paul (and those like them) aren't well liked by the snakes in the GOP.
Given this, how many true conservative voters are there then? Is the "conservative base" - meaning the REAL conservatives - really just a tiny minority then?
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Given this, how many true conservative voters are there then? Is the "conservative base" - meaning the REAL conservatives - really just a tiny minority then?

Pretty much always been that way.

The battle in elections has always been: Who can convince the middle?

America has been center right. Bill Clinton was a perfect candidate for the Democrats. Obama initially got legs over Bush fatigue, likability, white guilt and being an inspirational speaker.

Your party is doing the wise thing with the recent decision to campaign more from the center. Appealing to fractious fringe groups will be your undoing.
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Your party is doing the wise thing with the recent decision to campaign more from the center. Appealing to fractious fringe groups will be your undoing.
Agree Dems are getting smarter. Just one thing though... I don't have a party at this point. I might get pulled in to party activities if the Dems continue to demonstrate better understanding on economic issues though.
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Agree Dems are getting smarter. Just one thing though... I don't have a party at this point. I might get pulled in to party activities if the Dems continue to demonstrate better understanding on economic issues though.

You're like me then ... camped in no man's land.

Good thing about being Switzerland in politics is, you can criticize everybody.
Further, being anti-Trump is the easiest job I have ever had. He (and his sycophants) are the gift that keep giving.

His second term is going to make people delirious.

People are actually going to have to face him winning instead of retreating into a Russia fantasy.


As an aside, and forgive me if I am wrong, but I don't remember you being critical of Mr. Obama, David.
Ummm yeah, on marriage equality initially, then on foreign policy weakness (specifically Arab spring), not attacking further social liberalization like MJ legalization, as well as squandering political capital on fringe issues like bathrooms and the such (though agree with the general direction/opinion). Finally, I think he under performed on economic growth. Perhaps not how some would want me to be critical but certainly was.
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BTW..... It is not a conservative upheaval it is a republican upheaval. There is a big difference in a lot of cases.
Given this, how many true conservative voters are there then? Is the "conservative base" - meaning the REAL conservatives - really just a tiny minority then?

I wouldn't say natural conservatives are a tiny minority but they are a minority. How these people keep getting elected is lesser of two evils voting habits i.e., settling.
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I wouldn't say natural conservatives are a tiny minority but they are a minority. How these people keep getting elected is lesser of two evils voting habits i.e., settling.
Agree with this... What I don't understand is how the minority can expect to do something like roll back expanded healthcare. The polls don't lie - now that the prospect of reversal of ACA is real people are decidedly against it. Hell, the more threat to ACA the stronger the support for a true horror to conservatives - the dreaded single payer plan which recently polled at 60% approval.

Why do conservatives continue to beat their head against that same wall? Can't they see they will lose much more if they don't get on board and patch what is likely to be the most friendly plan possible?
Agree with this... What I don't understand is how the minority can expect to do something like roll back expanded healthcare. The polls don't lie - now that the prospect of reversal of ACA is real people are decidedly against it. Hell, the more threat to ACA the stronger the support for a true horror to conservatives - the dreaded single payer plan which recently polled at 60% approval.

Why do conservatives continue to beat their head against that same wall? Can't they see they will lose much more if they don't get on board and patch what is likely to be the most friendly plan possible?

Sadly, my faith in polls isn't what it used to be.
Agree with this... What I don't understand is how the minority can expect to do something like roll back expanded healthcare. The polls don't lie - now that the prospect of reversal of ACA is real people are decidedly against it. Hell, the more threat to ACA the stronger the support for a true horror to conservatives - the dreaded single payer plan which recently polled at 60% approval.

Why do conservatives continue to beat their head against that same wall? Can't they see they will lose much more if they don't get on board and patch what is likely to be the most friendly plan possible?

Conservatives are so ideologically driven that we often can't see the benefit of small compromises or taking baby steps.

This is something liberals have over conservatives in spades.
Agree with this... What I don't understand is how the minority can expect to do something like roll back expanded healthcare. The polls don't lie - now that the prospect of reversal of ACA is real people are decidedly against it. Hell, the more threat to ACA the stronger the support for a true horror to conservatives - the dreaded single payer plan which recently polled at 60% approval.

Why do conservatives continue to beat their head against that same wall? Can't they see they will lose much more if they don't get on board and patch what is likely to be the most friendly plan possible?

Well, to be fair both sides avoid polling when it doesn't meet their agenda.
Well, to be fair both sides avoid polling when it doesn't meet their agenda.
I don't consider this bit of polling to be anything much agenda wise. Rather it is an observation that the more the GOP tries to fight the ACA, the more they appear to be pushing the public to an even more egregious (from their point of view) position.

I personally would prefer an individual mandate with completely open insurance markets, so I suppose this polling is actually contrary to my desires if not agenda.

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