I'm finally done with the show. The really good episode every half a season just can't do it for me anymore.
This.I'm finally done with the show. The really good episode every half a season just can't do it for me anymore.
Interesting. I thought the last 8 might have been the best group of 8 so far.
They were. Absolutely. No idea how someone can make it this far in the series and give up after by far its strongest season. Weird.
In addition, nobody has mentioned the entrance of a new clan at the end. They appear to be slightly more militaristic than hilltop.
Were those stormtroopers?You talking about the guys on horseback in the Under Armour clothing?
I thought the FIRST half of this season was the best run in awhile. Most of the episodes in the 2nd half of the season have been kind of meh. I did like the episode where Darryl roasted the first round of saviors with the rocket launcher.
My biggest problem with last night's episode was this: Negan made a big deal about how pissed he was that Rick's team killed a lot of his group and how he'd make them pay for it. Well, how they were treated last night wasn't that different than any other time their folks meet new people. They said they kill 1 of them to make a statement, then take everything they want. That's pretty much all that Negan did to the group last night. So, where's the supposed wrath from Negan as a means of retribution for his loss? As far as I can tell, that's just what they do to anyone they meet (granted, not as large of a scale situation as we saw last night).
I think he killed Eugene. My reasoning was because he handed Rick the bullet recipe and also because his face was one of the few not shown in the last few seconds. Also, I think if they do kill off a main character that most hold dear they feel it will alienate more of the audience, or at least a portion of it. Idk, just my thought.
Also, the fact that Eugene had made changes and was stating himself to be "the anchor" and all that just makes sense. Seems like when a character makes a huge change in themselves and becomes stronger they get killed off.
Rosita would be my second guess as she has no purpose now without Abraham.
How dare you sir! With Maggie cutting her hair and transitioning to whatever supposed bad-ass she supposedly is, Rosita is the resident hottie of the group. I vote she stays! (Not that it matters).
I think we'll have future opportunities to witness the extent of Negan's brutality in future episodes, but yeah--the ending was a lot of talk with little action (save the one bashing moment, of course). I thought for a moment (and part of me thinks it would've been a better alternative) that Negan was going to tell Rick HE was going to have to choose who was going to die or else kill everyone one at a time (a Sophie's Choice kind of thing). That would've definitely messed them all up psychologically as well as have someone from the group die horribly.
You're right, though--it's all done as a carrot to get us to watch it in the fall after months of speculation on who was on the receiving end of Lucille.