Horrible, just horrible. I may have to stop watching every Sunday night.

Things better than that TWD episode.
OU's Final Four performance.
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I liked it too.

I'm guessing that Negan is in the comics?

That final scene was probably written by a big Tarrantino fan with the baseball bat (Inglorious Bastards) and the eeny meeny miney moe (Pulp Fiction). Unless that's what happened in the comics already.

My guess is Daryl. There was a commercial for Norman Reedus' new show this summer on AMC. Maybe he's moving on with that?

Abraham makes sense though. Wants a kid and a family. Instead he gets a beating.
I thought the episode was pretty good. As it was happening, I was thinking that the Saviors could easily have just wiped them out and their antics didn't make a lot of sense. But, at the end, when Negan stated that it was all about making a point and a show of power, I decided I was fine with it. I liked the Carol/Morgan storyline...a lot.

On Talking Dead, Kirkland said that the reason they did not reveal who died was that the next 8 episodes will be about the death of that character and the effect it has on the remaining characters. In the writers' minds, it is a new story-line. I would have preferred the reveal, but I am not too worried about it.

As to who it was, my guess is Glenn. They are due to kill off one of the main long term characters. I don't think they would kill Darryl. He is too valuable because he is loved by the fans and is not in the comic book, which makes it easier to keep the show and comic book from becoming too similar. Abraham is another possibility because they have spent the last 8 episodes really fleshing out his character. I figure it is Glenn, because that would allow them to make a big part of next season about Maggie losing the baby and becoming a bad ass warrior who is one of the main characters who figures out how to eliminate the Saviors from the picture.

In the comics, it is Glenn. Of course, they could change course since everyone is expecting that to be the case.
I think it's either Carl or Glenn. I also liked the Morgan and Carol part; the rest of the episode was poor IMO, except for Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
I'm finally done with the show. The really good episode every half a season just can't do it for me anymore.
Michone is my guess. For one everyone who gets romantically involved with Rick is killed off and also I think Negan will want to hurt Rick more then the others. There is a scene where Rick grabbed a piece of her hair. Take that with Negan saying that they all the hoopla was a test to see who would die and I think you have your answer. Also really b**** nuts they didn't show who bite the dust. I hate waiting. Oh well on to find out about Jon Snow now.
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They were. Absolutely. No idea how someone can make it this far in the series and give up after by far its strongest season. Weird.

Man, I wouldn't call this the strongest season at all. I think the past three episodes were about as bad as a run as they've had. To be fair, I've never been heads over heels in love with the show. I've always found it pretty inconsistent but every season there has been one or two great stretches that have kept me in. Plus I rarely give up on shows (and I've read the comics).

I just think the show has devolved into a "every character makes the dumbest decision possible" stretch.
Glenn makes sense...especially from the comics stand point. No way it's Rick or Carl. It could be Eugene...they seemed to emphasize the transformation of him finally getting a pair...that usually ends poorly. In the comics, Judith dies early...and Maggie bears a son. We could see a flip flop where Judith is alive in the TV series and Maggie loses her baby. I enjoy comparing the comics to the TV show really more than the TV show itself. The 90 finale was week IMO.
Interesting takes. Have not heard from many people that think that this season was anything short of fantastic. I am not surprised that they left it like they did. I would be willing to bet that it is either Glen or Abraham. It makes sense for it to be Glen as it sets up Maggie to be a dynamic bad ass in later episodes. I would not be surprised if they don't also take Carl with them. In addition, nobody has mentioned the entrance of a new clan at the end. They appear to be slightly more militaristic than hilltop.
I thought the FIRST half of this season was the best run in awhile. Most of the episodes in the 2nd half of the season have been kind of meh. I did like the episode where Darryl roasted the first round of saviors with the rocket launcher.
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In addition, nobody has mentioned the entrance of a new clan at the end. They appear to be slightly more militaristic than hilltop.

You talking about the guys on horseback in the Under Armour clothing?
I thought the FIRST half of this season was the best run in awhile. Most of the episodes in the 2nd half of the season have been kind of meh. I did like the episode where Darryl roasted the first round of saviors with the rocket launcher.

Speaking of RPG's boy if they had that RPG that Darryl used to start the lake on fire then last night would have went a lot different just saying. I agree that the back half sucked for the most part. What pisses me off the most is how much the cast and directors pimped this episode. I think my opinion of greatness and theirs differs greatly. I would not in the slightest mark this season finale as one of the greatest episodes ever. Far from it. So weak they are making us wait 7 months to find out who was killed. They jumped the shark last night.
Thought it was just "okay." I think the dude playing Negan was cast well, and I think he'll be an interesting character as his personality is different and more up-front than the governor. My biggest problem with last night's episode was this: Negan made a big deal about how pissed he was that Rick's team killed a lot of his group and how he'd make them pay for it. Well, how they were treated last night wasn't that different than any other time their folks meet new people. They said they kill 1 of them to make a statement, then take everything they want. That's pretty much all that Negan did to the group last night. So, where's the supposed wrath from Negan as a means of retribution for his loss? As far as I can tell, that's just what they do to anyone they meet (granted, not as large of a scale situation as we saw last night).

Also, here's an unrelated tidbit--for those of you who play GTA V, the tall, skinny guy who Rick first meets (and appears to be 2nd in charge?) of the saviors was the voice and visual "rendoring" (for lack of a better word) for Trevor in the game.
Horseback guys=good guys=from The Kingdom. Eventually it'll be Alexandria, Hilltop, and Kingdom against Negan.
Have thought all along in this series, where is the really big stuff? Doesnt even have to be tanks. Every natiional guard armory in the country has multiple vehicle mounted .50 cals, rocket launchers, hand grenades etc...There has been a very marked absence of those types of weapons. Yes, the storm trooper looking guys. I had assumed that was the introduction to The Kingdom.
My biggest problem with last night's episode was this: Negan made a big deal about how pissed he was that Rick's team killed a lot of his group and how he'd make them pay for it. Well, how they were treated last night wasn't that different than any other time their folks meet new people. They said they kill 1 of them to make a statement, then take everything they want. That's pretty much all that Negan did to the group last night. So, where's the supposed wrath from Negan as a means of retribution for his loss? As far as I can tell, that's just what they do to anyone they meet (granted, not as large of a scale situation as we saw last night).

I see your point, and I thought about that a bit. Here is why I was OK with it. The way I see it, Negan doesn't have a lot of options. He can have his men decimate Alexandria, and kill every member of Rick's group. Or, he can use their manpower to his advantage. He, obviously, has a huge group, and they need food and supplies. and don't want to work for those things. They want others to do the work for them and provide for them. It might actually be true that he isn't all that upset about Rick(and company) killing a bunch of his men because it means fewer mouths to feed. If he destroys Alexandria and kills everyone, he has one less community producing for his army. If he convinces them that resistance is futile, then they go to work for him and provide for his army. If he kills one of them, they probably get over it and might even feel that he let them off easy because they killed about 30 of his guys and only lost 1. If he kills more than 1 of them, there comes a point where they are all so pissed off at him that they refuse to work for him, or run away, or rebel. Maybe he can still get what he wants if he only kills 5 of them. Maybe if he only kills 3. But, there is a number that is clearly too high and Negan does not know what that number is. Maybe he has tried killing more in the past and it caused things to go south.

He is walking a fine line. He wants them to be a productive part of his empire. To do that, he has to show his power and control without fomenting complete rebellion or making them feel total despair about their situation. He has probably found, through trial and error, that this is the best way to bring a new group into the fold, so he is doing what he always does while talking big and maybe doing the killing himself (with Lucille) instead of having a flunky shoot someone with a gun.

I figure that the guy he hung came from a community (which incidentally was where Morgan cut the hanging walker down) that had ceased to be productive enough to make them worth keeping around. They rebelled and it no longer made sense for Negan to keep them around. He needs to replace them and is hoping that Alexandria will be able to do that.
It is all very Genghis Khan of him. Maybe a bit Alexander the Great... a very time proven model for conquering a people.
He just needs to plant a few of his folks and take a few of theirs and it is complete.
I think he killed Eugene. My reasoning was because he handed Rick the bullet recipe and also because his face was one of the few not shown in the last few seconds. Also, I think if they do kill off a main character that most hold dear they feel it will alienate more of the audience, or at least a portion of it. Idk, just my thought.

Also, the fact that Eugene had made changes and was stating himself to be "the anchor" and all that just makes sense. Seems like when a character makes a huge change in themselves and becomes stronger they get killed off.

We have already been through the "death" of Glenn so I just don't think they would go there again. Killing off Darryl would be a death knell for the show as I stated above.

So next season will be the Hilltoppers and Alexandrians all banding together to take out Negan. Then after that, whatever is left will all heal up and get ready for the next threat.

At some point...this show is going to reach its end. Seems like very successful shows hit about 9 seasons and then end. So perhaps one or two more and then that will be it. Who knows. Maybe they will somehow meet up with survivors from FTWD and everyone will happily ever after lol.

Or maybe everyone will die and evil will reign.
I think he killed Eugene. My reasoning was because he handed Rick the bullet recipe and also because his face was one of the few not shown in the last few seconds. Also, I think if they do kill off a main character that most hold dear they feel it will alienate more of the audience, or at least a portion of it. Idk, just my thought.

Also, the fact that Eugene had made changes and was stating himself to be "the anchor" and all that just makes sense. Seems like when a character makes a huge change in themselves and becomes stronger they get killed off.


You might be right. I figured that they had Eugene give Rick the bullet recipe so that fans could not use the bullet factory as a way to clearly eliminate Eugene from the list of characters that Negan killed. Had they not done that, we would all be saying, "well, it was not Eugene because it would make no sense to set up the idea of a bullet factory then kill the one guy who is capable of pulling it off".

I still don't think it was Eugene, but you present a convincing argument.
It has to be someone from inside the van. When being killed they show it the audience from that characters point of view. Throughout the episode they continually show a character's pointo of view from inside of the van. Right before they unload everyone from the van they again show this pointo of view and you can see Darryl's head. Leaving us Glenn, Michiana and Rosita.

Personally I think they finally knock off Glenn. Rosita would be my second guess as she has no purpose now without Abraham.
Rosita would be my second guess as she has no purpose now without Abraham.

How dare you sir! With Maggie cutting her hair and transitioning to whatever supposed bad-ass she supposedly is, Rosita is the resident hottie of the group. I vote she stays! (Not that it matters).
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How dare you sir! With Maggie cutting her hair and transitioning to whatever supposed bad-ass she supposedly is, Rosita is the resident hottie of the group. I vote she stays! (Not that it matters).

Agree. Hottest girl on the show.
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So I wanted all of you guys and gals opinions on this. So did TWD writers do Negan a disservices by not revealing the death of the character? Instead of us all talking about how evil Negan is we are just talking about who died. To me this robs the villain of making a big splash and I think they watered down Negan because of it. I think had they showed the death of said character then all we would be talking about is Negan. I think the comics had this right and at a point where the show is losing momentum they could have sucked a bunch of people back in. Huge mistake IMO.
I think we'll have future opportunities to witness the extent of Negan's brutality in future episodes, but yeah--the ending was a lot of talk with little action (save the one bashing moment, of course). I thought for a moment (and part of me thinks it would've been a better alternative) that Negan was going to tell Rick HE was going to have to choose who was going to die or else kill everyone one at a time (a Sophie's Choice kind of thing). That would've definitely messed them all up psychologically as well as have someone from the group die horribly.

You're right, though--it's all done as a carrot to get us to watch it in the fall after months of speculation on who was on the receiving end of Lucille.
I think we'll have future opportunities to witness the extent of Negan's brutality in future episodes, but yeah--the ending was a lot of talk with little action (save the one bashing moment, of course). I thought for a moment (and part of me thinks it would've been a better alternative) that Negan was going to tell Rick HE was going to have to choose who was going to die or else kill everyone one at a time (a Sophie's Choice kind of thing). That would've definitely messed them all up psychologically as well as have someone from the group die horribly.

You're right, though--it's all done as a carrot to get us to watch it in the fall after months of speculation on who was on the receiving end of Lucille.

Man I also thought for a second he was going to make Rick choose. That would have been brutal.
Here's the problem with the reveal as I see it.

If the writers do what they've historically done, they'll let time elapse between the finally and the new season. They'll have to take a few episodes to catch up everyone on how they've adapted to the new order. You'll see them delivering food and stuff to the Neaganites. Maggie will have lost the baby and be running Hilltop, Morgan and Carol will be with the Kingdom, Karl will go off on his own to assassinate Negan. Yadda...

They'll tell you in flashbacks and by the absence of the character who it was. It darned sure want have the same effect as if they did it in sequence. But they probably won't start right back at that scene.

I also thought that they wouldn't want to have the actor on hold and on contract for the next season if they kill them off. It makes a lot of practical sense to kill them off so the actor can move on.
I bet next season opens with the final scene of this season, but from a POV that shows the victim getting his head bashed in.

You will get your chance to appreciate how evil Negan is within the first five minutes.

The cast doesn't know who was killed off yet, so they are all crossing their fingers that they get more than 1 episode next season.
Meh, if it follows the comics it's Glenn I guess. If not, my guess is Eugene. I never read the comics (excuse me...GRAPHIC NOVEL) so I didn't have any other viewpoint than my own intuition. But I'm starting to think they will just follow along and it will be Glenn. Who knows. The comics didn't have the Michonne/Rick hookup did they? Haven't looked that up. From the panels I have seen they didn't.

Carol was supposed to be dead by now, and I think Andrea was still alive up to this point from what I have seen.

This Negan cat is one sick twisted bitch in the comics. They are going to have to tone him down quite a bit for the show I assume. Yeesh.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say something that probably won't be popular....but I have sort of read ahead in some of the few graphic novel panels and story that I could see, and I'm not so sure I dig where the story goes. I have wanted to see more of the science and story about why and how this all started. Sort of go along those lines. I'm tired of the gang warfare and "the next crazy guy". It's still a good show in a lot of respects, very gruesome and brutal, but I could get that from watching 28 Days Later lol.

If the show follows the comics all the way I'm not going to be into that much going forward. Again, this is just my opinion, yeah, go write your own series you asshole, Rulz, piss off lol.

Anyway, just my take. Just seems like it's the same thing over and over now....the militant unknown folk against the good people trying to survive. And perhaps there would be some folks like that in a "zombie apocalypse situation", but I don't think they would be ruling so quickly....or even with so much influence. Who knows.

I'm going to go watch some reruns of Mr. Ed, Dennis the Menace, and Father Knows Best now.....
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