TWD ... WTF?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2002
You have to be kidding me. MF'er. Is it wrong that I'm pissed?
The writers have built a group that is too large, and they keep adding to it. They just added Noah and seem to be on the verge of adding Morgan. I knew someone was going to get killed off in an upcoming episode. Didn't expect it to be Beth, but IMO, she was the most annoying of the characters so I am OK with it. I watched the Talking Dead last night and they had the actress who played Beth on the show. She broke down crying at one point because she was sad to be leaving the show. You could tell that the actors are like a big family and they will miss her and she will miss working with/being with them. Another interesting point was made by Robert Kirkman (creator of TWD). He said that it is necessary that they kill off loved characters in order to keep the feel that the world is a dangerous place and that survival is a constant battle.
Good summation been. I watched Talking Deadtoo and it was sad to see her break down. She seems so damn sweet. I love Rick's no bullshit approach. Dude is boss.
I was very impressed with the way the writers built the entire season around finding Beth....and then BOOM, they kill her off! I liked Beth, but from an entertainment standpoint, they did a dandy job of building up a reunion and them dash the hope.
I'm available to console Maggie.

Did not see that coming..... I'll admit. But I did think something was going to go wrong when I saw Beth secret the scissors in her cast. When Rick made the decision not to stay at the hospital, wasn't he still unaware that the whole "cure for the disease in Washington, DC" was BS? Does the fact he/they no longer need to travel to DC cause him to rethink things?

I keep having a feeling that they've returned to downtown Atlanta for some reason - they've tried the bucolic life at the farm, they've gone with the "security" of the prison and they've been "on the run" at different points. Is it now time for them to try and see what they may be able to scrape together in the big city?

Potential SPOILER, for those who don't know it the group of hispanic dudes who were trying to keep the nursing home safe - they got overrun at some point and most were killed. And the group that overran them were not walkers. This is from a webisode short and a deleted scene where Rick and others returned to the nursing home to check on them and to see if it was possible to seek shelter there after the incident at the CDC.
'wood, the last scene of the group seems to really frame them against Atlanta. Think you're right in that the 2nd half of this season will probably be centered there.

Only way I figured out it was Beth that was going to get it was the still for the episode was Maggie crying. Figured there had to be a good reason for that.

Any thoughts on what the markings mean? Are those from the folks from Terminus? Did I miss that? Is that what Morgan is following?

From his reaction to the map I don't think he knew he was following Rick and co. Anyone else thinking that?

The leader of the Termites said that they made the marks so they could find their way back to Terminus. Said it was a dumb idea because there was nothing to go back to. Morgan didn't know he was following Riick until he read the map. Seems likely that he would now head North. I don't think the group will stay in Atlanta. I will be surprised if they don't hook up with Morgan soon. Doubt that would happen in Atlanta.
The problem I had with the Beth thing was it was the whole Sophia deal but with another gang instead of walkers.

Looked like Beth's scissor stab would have been a flesh wound at best for the bitch cop, and it appeared the bitch cop was trying to say "I didn't mean to!" Right before her head was made into a peep hole.

I think in real life the group would have lit the cops up. What a twisted weirdo deal the cops had there. Yeesh. It was like a bout of Shakespearean madness swept over the leaders of that group. Very strange bunch. I would bet the cycle would just repeat itself, the doc basically murdered the other doc early on and he's still alive. So one aspect of that bad seed is still there.

I knew that officer Lambson or whatever was a creep. He played the Hydra mole agent in The Winter Soldier. Took me a bit to place him, but I finally put it together after a bit.

The creepiest thing was the child Walker at the women's shelter that you see in the translucent window. Ugh.

Rick is just a bad mofo. He's becoming rockstar status.

I wonder who will die next? I call the preacher. He's been asking for a nice death for awhile with all his stupidity, and he annoys me to no end.
Truly a shocking moment that I didn't see coming. Not often that TV can surprise you that much, but I was stunned. And yes - seeing her on the Talking Dead was very real and legitimately heartbreaking. She only found out she was being written off the week before. Lots of professional and emotional investment into that gig to be publicly dismissed after so much character development this season. But, the guy was right - that's what keeps it real. Anyone that isn't one of the VERY central core characters is on notice from week to week. And with new character being introduced it's just a matter of who and win, not if.
Beth's ticket was punched with the scene where Maggie was overjoyed to learn she was alive. There are no happy endings in TWD😂ðŸ˜￾;-)
Posted from Rivals Mobile
It's pretty much like clockwork with that show, anytime there are little scenes of happiness and perceived safety there's usually a stark reminder of just how brutal of a bitch that world can be right around the corner.

When Glen was fishing with juggy Rosita and weird bird faced girl, I thought him and juggy Rosita had a moment....not sure. Kinda thought that would be an interesting deal. Glen gettin freaky with Abrahams chicky and then Maggie going postal later on, already in bad shape after her sister got her ticket punched.

Rosita with her pigtails and skin tight outfit cracks me up. Obviously she's there for eye candy.

I think Abraham must have hemophilia A or something. Red headed dude bleeding like that. I doubt he's on Coumadin.
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Truly a shocking moment that I didn't see coming. Not often that TV can surprise you that much, but I was stunned. And yes - seeing her on the Talking Dead was very real and legitimately heartbreaking. She only found out she was being written off the week before. Lots of professional and emotional investment into that gig to be publicly dismissed after so much character development this season. But, the guy was right - that's what keeps it real. Anyone that isn't one of the VERY central core characters is on notice from week to week. And with new character being introduced it's just a matter of who and win, not if.
They seem to have a maximum number of characters that they willing to follow. They killed off the 2 young girls that were with Carol/Tyrese. They killed off Bob and Beth. They have added Gabriel and Noah and seem to be about to add Morgan. The number of characters still seems to be too high IMO. We have seen very little of Michone or Carl this season, and they are two of the most interesting characters. I won't be surprised if they kill off 1 or 2 more characters in the next 8 episodes. If I had to guess who is immune to being killed off, I would go with the following:

Maggie (only hot white female on the show)
Sasha (only hot black female on the show)
Rosita (only hot latino female on the show)

That is a lot of characters. Sooner or later they will cull one or two of them, but I don't think any of them will die for a while. Look for one of the other characters to be better developed soon and you will know that he/she is on the way out.
Rulz, I thought I saw the "spark" with Glen and Rosita during the fishing scene. We could eventually see a troubled marriage. In the comics, I've heard that they split as a couple. The TV show is pretty loose about following the comics...but there are similarities.
Originally posted by Been Jammin:
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Truly a shocking moment that I didn't see coming. Not often that TV can surprise you that much, but I was stunned. And yes - seeing her on the Talking Dead was very real and legitimately heartbreaking. She only found out she was being written off the week before. Lots of professional and emotional investment into that gig to be publicly dismissed after so much character development this season. But, the guy was right - that's what keeps it real. Anyone that isn't one of the VERY central core characters is on notice from week to week. And with new character being introduced it's just a matter of who and win, not if.
They seem to have a maximum number of characters that they willing to follow. They killed off the 2 young girls that were with Carol/Tyrese. They killed off Bob and Beth. They have added Gabriel and Noah and seem to be about to add Morgan. The number of characters still seems to be too high IMO. We have seen very little of Michone or Carl this season, and they are two of the most interesting characters. I won't be surprised if they kill off 1 or 2 more characters in the next 8 episodes. If I had to guess who is immune to being killed off, I would go with the following:

Maggie (only hot white female on the show)
Sasha (only hot black female on the show)
Rosita (only hot latino female on the show)

That is a lot of characters. Sooner or later they will cull one or two of them, but I don't think any of them will die for a while. Look for one of the other characters to be better developed soon and you will know that he/she is on the way out.
Interesting list, Been. I think my "untouchables" would be:


The rest of them all seem like people that could end up biting it.
The only real untouchables are Rick and Michone. Both are still alive in the comics and are listed as top 100 characters in the history of comics.

Darryl isn't far behind because fans worldwide will riot worse than Ferguson if he gets killed off. It was nuts the response he got at the Tulsa Comic Con.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ThePokewithNoName:
The only real untouchables are Rick and Michone. Both are still alive in the comics and are listed as top 100 characters in the history of comics.

Darryl isn't far behind because fans worldwide will riot worse than Ferguson if he gets killed off. It was nuts the response he got at the Tulsa Comic Con.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I think those 3 are at the top of the list, but there are others. It is a lot easier to kill off a comic book character than a beloved TV character, IMO.

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