Tulsa private schools (Monte Cassino vs Metro Christian)


Dec 9, 2007
The wife and I are having a bit of a time deciding between Metro Christian and Monte Cassino for our soon to be 4 year old daughter. Any of you have experiences you could share?

We live in Broken Arrow, so we aren't exactly midtowners and are weighing options. The wife went to Monte Cassino and Cascia, so there's some bias that exists, but we want to make the best decision for our girls. TIA.
Live in BA? That's quite a drive. Especially to Metro. Isn't Summit in BA.
Monte Casino/Cascia has more academic and athletic notoriety than Metro and probably the better group of teachers and academic support staff.

Now it is also quite a bit more expensive and contains a much more affluent crowd that can be hard to break into and some don't feel like they fit in. Holland Hall is arguably the most academically known and is in the $$ range of Cascia.

Metro is a great private school option as well. Regent Prep and Rejoice or two up and coming private schools. LincolnChristian is a bit further along than those two and is also a very good option and would be better with a looser affiliation with the church.

I would also look at moving into the Jenks Southeast or Bixby school districts as well.
Monte Casino/Cascia has more academic and athletic notoriety than Metro and probably the better group of teachers and academic support staff.

Now it is also quite a bit more expensive and contains a much more affluent crowd that can be hard to break into and some don't feel like they fit in. Holland Hall is arguably the most academically known and is in the $$ range of Cascia.

Metro is a great private school option as well. Regent Prep and Rejoice or two up and coming private schools. LincolnChristian is a bit further along than those two and is also a very good option and would be better with a looser affiliation with the church.

I would also look at moving into the Jenks Southeast or Bixby school districts as well.

Thanks for the opinion 2082. I assume your kids go to one of the schools you mentioned? It seems everyone has a school that fits their kids the best. To be honest, we are not mega wealthy midtowners, so part of me questions how well we fit in with the Monte Cassino crowd. The last thing I want for my daughter is to put her in a school that makes her feel like we aren't good enough to be a part of it. The average ACT score is 25.5 at Metro and 26.4 at Monte Cassino, so I was a bit surprised at how close they were as far as those metrics were concerned. From what we hear, Metro might be a little more "our speed".
Thanks for the opinion 2082. I assume your kids go to one of the schools you mentioned? It seems everyone has a school that fits their kids the best. To be honest, we are not mega wealthy midtowners, so part of me questions how well we fit in with the Monte Cassino crowd. The last thing I want for my daughter is to put her in a school that makes her feel like we aren't good enough to be a part of it. The average ACT score is 25.5 at Metro and 26.4 at Monte Cassino, so I was a bit surprised at how close they were as far as those metrics were concerned. From what we hear, Metro might be a little more "our speed".

Metro is a very good school. I am very familiar with it. I'm a public school proponent when and where it makes sense but totally see the need and benifits of a private school for some.
Thanks for the opinion 2082. I assume your kids go to one of the schools you mentioned? It seems everyone has a school that fits their kids the best. To be honest, we are not mega wealthy midtowners, so part of me questions how well we fit in with the Monte Cassino crowd. The last thing I want for my daughter is to put her in a school that makes her feel like we aren't good enough to be a part of it. The average ACT score is 25.5 at Metro and 26.4 at Monte Cassino, so I was a bit surprised at how close they were as far as those metrics were concerned. From what we hear, Metro might be a little more "our speed".
Some of those midtowners are "mega-wealthy". Most aren't. Most live paycheck to paycheck....they just have bigger paychecks....wealth? Not so much.
Some of those midtowners are "mega-wealthy". Most aren't. Most live paycheck to paycheck....they just have bigger paychecks....wealth? Not so much.

Do you run in the same circles as them? I'm a guy that wants to save a certain percent and donate a certain percent and am not going to compromise either of those even if it means not being a part of the crowd.
Monte Casino/Cascia has more academic and athletic notoriety than Metro and probably the better group of teachers and academic support staff.

I would also look at moving into the Jenks Southeast or Bixby school districts as well.

Two weeks ago the Tulsa CBS affiliate ran a story about a therapy dog at Jenks Southeast. The dog's owner and school counselor is an OSU alum and rabid Poke fan.
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I played football against metro a couple times in high school in the late 90's. They had a thug who hit me in the back the last play of the game my junior year. I would have given him the what for had one of our freshman not held me back.

Hope that helps with your decision.
The wife and I are having a bit of a time deciding between Metro Christian and Monte Cassino for our soon to be 4 year old daughter. Any of you have experiences you could share?

We live in Broken Arrow, so we aren't exactly midtowners and are weighing options. The wife went to Monte Cassino and Cascia, so there's some bias that exists, but we want to make the best decision for our girls. TIA.

My wife went to Monte Cassino then Cascia for a year then to Metro to finish HS. She said that Metro was less challenging than Cascia, but Cascia was a lot more snobby than Metro. But she loved her time at Monte.

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