Trump's Independence Day speech

The chants of "USA" definitely triggered the US hating leftists like @Syskatine.

"America was never great!" say the leftists.

Well, then GTFO you commie dingleberries. Go find your paradise. Those of us who are proud of our country aren't going to let you turn it into Venezuela, North Korea, or Soviet Russia no matter how much you screech.

Haven't seen the estimated number yet....but promise had this been an ex-rodent in chief turd head speech, they would have already said the crowd was so big we couldn't even get a satellite shot of the group to count.

All my liberal friends are still it. This is one of the things that really confuses them about me. Its not that I love DJT, its that I dislike liberals so much I don't care who is pissing them off, as long as its someone, just so happens its DJT right now.
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