You got it. All of the Union reps that met with Trump today voted for Hillary. The Union reps are learning who is going to bring the jobs. Trump has been around unions and the tradesmen all his life, he respects them. Bernie knows Trump is going to take the union vote next go round, hence his position on trade and wanting to be union friendly. Trump grabbed some union votes, but when the union heads go his way it is over, Trump was smart as hell to meet with them today in his first day in office - shows respect, first because it makes sense to meet with them and get their input on how to get this country back to work, and second because this President more than anyone wants to bring back the blue collar jobs, american labor, and american hard goods production, it will light an economic fuse that will be so meaningful. Dems are going to lose some of their traditional strong holds, it is all about jobs and raising thr GNP and household income, not how big gov can get, how many regs we need, and which bathrooms are appropriate to be used by americans.