Jonah Goldberg at his best.
With many of his followers? Without a doubt.Jonah Goldberg at his best.
“Trump saw it differently. He believed that the first loyalty of the attorney general should be to Trump personally, not to the law or the Department of Justice.”
So exactly what “law” would Sessions have been breaking if he had been loyal to Trump first and foremost?
Lots of people in power surround themselves with loyalists all the way down to sycophants. Politicians probably more so than anyone else in the universe. Ironically some of the ex-rodent in chiefs appointees/cult followers did break the law.
I liked Sessions just don’t think he should have recused himself. In hindsight it probably wouldn’t have matter because he was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. The libdems were complaining about him when he was nominated and now act like he was a babe in the woods and their his Shepard.
Now you have Donnie D of MSNBC saying If Trump gets beat in 2020 he’ll call out the military so he can stay in office. I would argue that the “Trump cult” members are far fewer in numbers than the “Trump haters united” members and because they are so unhinged at all things DJT & his supporters they are worse.
The ex-rodent in chief had a far greater devoted following than Trump ever had or will have. In fact with the almost unanimous media support it allowed for a virtual monopoly on shaping his adherents and cult. A far more dangerous circumstance than anything Trump has.
“Trump saw it differently. He believed that the first loyalty of the attorney general should be to Trump personally, not to the law or the Department of Justice.”
So exactly what “law” would Sessions have been breaking if he had been loyal to Trump first and foremost?
Lots of people in power surround themselves with loyalists all the way down to sycophants. Politicians probably more so than anyone else in the universe. Ironically some of the ex-rodent in chiefs appointees/cult followers did break the law.
I liked Sessions just don’t think he should have recused himself. In hindsight it probably wouldn’t have matter because he was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. The libdems were complaining about him when he was nominated and now act like he was a babe in the woods and their his Shepard.
Now you have Donnie D of MSNBC saying If Trump gets beat in 2020 he’ll call out the military so he can stay in office. I would argue that the “Trump cult” members are far fewer in numbers than the “Trump haters united” members and because they are so unhinged at all things DJT & his supporters they are worse.
The ex-rodent in chief had a far greater devoted following than Trump ever had or will have. In fact with the almost unanimous media support it allowed for a virtual monopoly on shaping his adherents and cult. A far more dangerous circumstance than anything Trump has.
The only thing keeping you from being that guy is no one has crammed a mic in your face and asked you a question. Any question.
From that article:
In Trump’s best-selling book, “The Art of the Deal,” there’s a fascinating passage about his mentor, infamous lawyer/fixer Roy Cohn. “He was a truly loyal guy,” Trump wrote. “It was a matter of honor with him.”
He went on: “Just compare that with all the hundreds of ‘respectable’ guys who make careers out of boasting about their uncompromising integrity but have absolutely no loyalty. . . . Roy was the sort of guy who’d be there at your hospital bed long after everyone else had bailed out, literally standing by you to the death.”
But it was a one-way street. When Cohn contracted AIDS, “Donald found out about it and just dropped him like a hot potato,” Susan Bell, Cohn’s longtime secretary, told Politico. “It was like night and day.”
I can't udnerstand, Dan, why you're' just now coming alive on all this. This stuff is the tip of the iceberg. He's a freakin' snake charmer with these people, I've never seen anything like it. It takes 2 things: 1) his character and ability to do it and 2. An audience that will allow him to piss down their leg and lie to their face and they are still loyal. That we have #2 is what breaks my heart. When he said they'd' stick with him if he shot someone on 5th Ave... THEY WOULD. He was laughing at them, and they're proud of it.
There's a tweet on here floating around that isolates and identifies his specific brand of paleonationalisticalidocius facism something or other, I can't remember the specific name. A guy basically extracted out this exact brand of demagoguery.... in the early 90's. The very "MAGA" catchphrase is right down the archetypal "rebirth" fairway of this cult stuff.
Nope, not true. That's YOUR side of the aisle. Messaging for the feeble minded, right there. That moron didn't come up with that on his own, someone pitched it to him. And that someone wasn't an Obama fan, if you know what I'm saying. Insult the messenger all you want, you oughta hang a picture of that guy on your rear view mirror.
Describes Holder and Lynch perfectly.“Trump saw it differently. He believed that the first loyalty of the attorney general should be to Trump personally, not to the law or the Department of Justice.”
Exactly! It describes Holder and Lynch perfectly. And it also describes what DJT insists of his underlings. None of us liked it when Holder and Lynch did it, and none of us should like it when Trump does it during his administration.Describes Holder and Lynch perfectly.
I didn't see Sessions do anything one way or the other while AG. He was more like a potted plant.Exactly! It describes Holder and Lynch perfectly. And it also describes what DJT insists of his underlings. None of us liked it when Holder and Lynch did it, and none of us should like it when Trump does it during his administration.
I'm a little puzzled why you think I'm only just now coming alive on this. I have had arguments with virtually every Trump supporter on this board for as long as I can remember. I detest Donald Trump, the man that compared his "bravery" against potential STD's with the horrors his fellow generation lived through in VietNam. How anyone fails to see his administration as anything other than a cult of personality eludes all comprehension. How can they see it so clearly with Obama and HIS cult of personality, and yet deny it is true in Trump's case is seriously deranged. And dangerous to our future as a free society. Trump is proving to be one more chink in the armor of our liberty. While I don't think he will be responsible for our downfall I do think he is one more step on the path.From that article:
In Trump’s best-selling book, “The Art of the Deal,” there’s a fascinating passage about his mentor, infamous lawyer/fixer Roy Cohn. “He was a truly loyal guy,” Trump wrote. “It was a matter of honor with him.”
He went on: “Just compare that with all the hundreds of ‘respectable’ guys who make careers out of boasting about their uncompromising integrity but have absolutely no loyalty. . . . Roy was the sort of guy who’d be there at your hospital bed long after everyone else had bailed out, literally standing by you to the death.”
But it was a one-way street. When Cohn contracted AIDS, “Donald found out about it and just dropped him like a hot potato,” Susan Bell, Cohn’s longtime secretary, told Politico. “It was like night and day.”
I can't udnerstand, Dan, why you're' just now coming alive on all this. This stuff is the tip of the iceberg. He's a freakin' snake charmer with these people, I've never seen anything like it. It takes 2 things: 1) his character and ability to do it and 2. An audience that will allow him to piss down their leg and lie to their face and they are still loyal. That we have #2 is what breaks my heart. When he said they'd' stick with him if he shot someone on 5th Ave... THEY WOULD. He was laughing at them, and they're proud of it.
There's a tweet on here floating around that isolates and identifies his specific brand of paleonationalisticalidocius facism something or other, I can't remember the specific name. A guy basically extracted out this exact brand of demagoguery.... in the early 90's. The very "MAGA" catchphrase is right down the archetypal "rebirth" fairway of this cult stuff.
Nope, not true. That's YOUR side of the aisle. Messaging for the feeble minded, right there. That moron didn't come up with that on his own, someone pitched it to him. And that someone wasn't an Obama fan, if you know what I'm saying. Insult the messenger all you want, you oughta hang a picture of that guy on your rear view mirror.
He was more like a wilted potted plant.
I didn't see Sessions do anything one way or the other while AG. He was more like a potted plant.
You missed the point. Sessions believed it would have been unethical and illegal for him to oversee Mueller. Trump didn’t care about ethics or legality, he wanted unrequited loyalty to him. As a result Trump trashed Sessions and his competence as AG, which shows Trump’s demand for loyalty goes only one way. Then, when firing Sessions might prove legally tricky he insisted Sessions resign, which Sessions promptly did - an act of loyalty to the end.
Your claim that lots of politicians demand loyalty, while accurate, fails on logic. Particularly your insistence that “Obama” did it too. If you didn’t like it when Eric Holder carried Obama’s water, you should dislike it just as much when DJT demands his “loyalists” carry his.
One of the problems with participants in Trump’s cult of personality is their inability to see what they are participating in. So many people see the man as a savior of sorts, a demigod that protects them from another cult of personality led by Hillary Clinton. How many times have we heard that “at least he’s not Hillary,” or “Hillary would have been worse.” The fact that he’s not Hillary should not be enough. He’s a politician. Politicians are power hungry, lying, corrupt - dare I call them evil? It should not matter who is President, we should all exhibit extreme skepticism, we should not trust a single one of them. The politicians are the same for both teams. For anyone to believe a politician is “looking out for me” is dangerous to our liberty. Liberty is what made America great. We should guard our liberty with everything we’ve got, against all comers, from the inside as well as the outside.