OK. Let's take a look at some things..
1. Barring as yet unreleased information significantly moving the needle in some way, Hillary's lifeless husk will likely be dragged across the finish line and she'll win the election.
2. Thinking critically, I ask myself - is Trump more valuable as an actual president under constant barrage by the establishment and unprecedented scrutiny by the alphabet press... or as a martyr who had the election "stolen" from him by a collusion between the Hillary campaign, press and bureaucracy? Long term, is he more valuable as a figurehead of a movement or as honestly a pretty sketchy (likely one term) president?
3. These daily wiki / o'keefe revelations will not simply go away after November 8. Once she's safely ensconced as the president elect, the media wall around her will likely soften a bit in their own self-interest, and the emails, FBI collusion, videos etc. will be a major albatross around her tired, sick neck for her entire run. She will be crippled by it. Right now, there may not be enough time or media cooperation to do anything about any of it, but it could be a very long 4 years for her - the kind of 4 years you could build a news network around.
4. It will be vital that people like Trey Gowdy press her. You know the GOP leadership like Paul Ryan will be useless, but you have to believe there are a few people in the Senate and House who will recognize changing winds and see an opportunity. It's an opportunity for Cruz to reinvent himself as a 2020 candidate too.
5. Trump's ties to Brietbart, retweets of Paul Watson etc. and constant recent tirades against the media, rigged election etc. lead me to believe that a news network that reflects the so-called 'alt right' anti-establishment grass roots movement could bury FOX (the GOP network) and replace it with something that legitimizes many of these massively popular internet personalities by giving them a friendly network to appear on, host shows on, etc.
To use a Star Wars analogy, by getting struck down Trump could become more influential and powerful as a political figurehead than if he outlasts Hillary and barely gets in. I think long term, it would arguably be more damaging to the GOP establishment if he doesn't win. And the GOP needs to die.