Trump threats to Mexico working already

5% tariff going to 25% is way more than way too much money
What else would we like Trump to do when Congress refuses to get off its ass and address the problem. For months Democrats said Trump was making up the crisis while thousands poured into the country overwhelming every system we have. Congress could solve the problem within minutes but they do not care about anything but politics.
What else would we like Trump to do when Congress refuses to get off its ass and address the problem. For months Democrats said Trump was making up the crisis while thousands poured into the country overwhelming every system we have. Congress could solve the problem within minutes but they do not care about anything but politics.

it’s great watching libtards blame trump for not getting anything done with otardcare

hell he did it of the $500 weaponized IRS personal attack with the stroke of a pen

shame he can’t scrap it with the same
Color me a cynical bastard, but I'll believe Mexico "can/will" do anything to stop the flow when I see it. There's way too much money, drug cartels, corruption involved to believe they can fix the problem.
You nailed it.
The cartels, primarily the Sinaloa runs the whole effed up country.
Any elected officials are literal marionettes doing the bidding of a clutch of really bad people.
Lucky us, being butted up against that shit with a massively long common border.
I'm hopeful for a happy ending going on 50+ years.
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“Yes we’re going to lose Texas forever in 2024 — but hopefully we’ll be called racist less often.”


IF the dims stick to their historical model of infighting through 19 & most of 20, DJT could have a Reaganesque 2nd term victory. Fortunately the hard left is in control and they eff up there prospects; this time...
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Cruz beat Trump by 12 percentage points in the 2016 GOP primary.

Cruz beat Beto by a mere 2.5 percentage points in the 2018 midterms — with a very strong economy.

The 1990’s political expression of “it’s the economy stupid” has been replaced with “it’s demographics stupid.”

Trump’s election win was a completed Hail Mary pass, in the 4th quarter, to stop the demographic transformation that’s turning us into a third world country — which nobody voted for or asked for. It’s also happening in every other western country, but that’s another subject.

Even if Trump did everything he campaigned on — the wall, deportations, end daca etc — it was still a long shot to stop America’s transformation into a non-first-world country.

The last chance to truly stop that was probably the 1992 election, when Pat Buchanan ran on basically the same platform as Trump. Check out Pat Buchanan’s 1992 campaign platform — nearly identical to Trump:

Thats nuts. Our country deserves itself.
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WOW, Mexico's paying for the wall then?

BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get them to pay for Fatass' metaphor! That's what Miss Lindsey (what a follower, never seen someone fall in line like she has) said the wall is -- a metaphor.

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