And while the media and the other lefties are all distracted by how is he going to get Mexico to pay for the wall they aren't fighting the actual building of the wall now.
And while the media and the other lefties are all distracted by how is he going to get Mexico to pay for the wall they aren't fighting the actual building of the wall now.
How do you propose they would effectively fight the signing of an Executive Order?
Dressing up like a giant vagina and take the streets seems to be their favored method of fighting.How do you propose they would effectively fight the signing of an Executive Order?
How do you propose they would effectively fight the signing of an Executive Order?
Dressing up like a giant vagina and take the streets seems to be their favored method of fighting.
But if you're looking for a serious answer then maybe they should consider running better candidates for office.
Imprimis, yes that bill was passed, but the ONLY funding authorized by Congress was about $1.2 Billion and that has long been spent as the funds were already depleted by 2008. Thus the reason why Duncan Hunter (R-CA) introduced the "Reinstatement of the Secure Fence Act" in 2008 to authorize more funding to continue building. (It died in committee.) The house and senate have been controlled by Republicans for the last 6 yrs and they haven't authorized a single dime to continue the program.There is already a law (Secure Fence Act of 2006) which gives authority to build a wall. There were even funds appropriated and spent to pay for it. Don't think Trump needs to go back to Congress for the authority. Passed the Senate like 80-16 +/- with Obama, Clinton, Biden and Schumer all voting for the Act.
I read his website on how he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall....even quoted it here.
It indicated that efforts to convince Mexico to pay for the wall voluntarily and action to force them to pay if they didn't agree would be know....building it.
The reimbursement angle has been out there for a loooooooooong time.
You keep saying that, but I quoted his website a couple of weeks ago...and not a peep there.
It may have changed since the.
"Don't rush the monkey and you'll see a better show." Boone Pickens
The guy has been in office all of 5 days. Let this play out.
I think it was during Gundy's first few years in office. er... as Head Coach.Didn't Boone Pickens say that right before bill self told him to **** off??
No idea what his website says, but I've heard him say it for quite awhile. I know a lot of people claimed he would never build it if elected, but I always assumed he would and he would get it out of Mexico via reimbursement rather than invoicing Mexico City. I think it made better theater to let that be the narrative but it never seemed realistic. If it works out that way, does it really matter? I know... cheerleader. But that's what I've always assumed would happen.