Trump releases 1st ad of general election

Most Immigrants Back Trump on Ideological Test, Poll Shows

Jon Reid | August 18, 2016

Most Americans who immigrated to the U.S. support Donald Trump’s call for a temporary immigration ban from some countries, along with other proposals that appear to view foreigners with suspicion, according to a new Morning Consult poll.

The online survey, conducted after Trump unveiled his national security platform on Monday, shows that the views of immigrants and descendants of recent immigrants do not differ much from those of the general electorate.

As with the entire electorate, about six out of 10 immigrants (61 percent) said they back Trump’s proposal to have all foreigners take an ideological test when applying for a visa to make sure they share American values. About a quarter of immigrants (26 percent), as with the electorate as a whole (23 percent), said they opposed it.

Immigrants, or children or grandchildren of immigrants, also hold similar views to the entire electorate on Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban entry to the U.S. from people residing in countries with a history of terrorism. But there were small differences among those voters who differ by generation.

Americans who immigrated to the U.S. were the least likely to back the proposal, with 52 percent expressing support for it and 39 percent in opposition. At 68 percent, support for the ban was stronger among first generation Americans than the entire electorate (59 percent). Only 22 percent of that generation said they oppose it, compared with 27 percent of all voters.

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