Trump not appointing special prosecutor for Hillary

I also think the AG has freedom to do whatever.
Not saying it will happen by the way.
Think strategically here.

By not appointing a special investigator and stating he will not pursue charges he is putting Obama in a lurch. If Obama pre-emptively pardon's then it is basically an admission to criminal activity which also brings his possible involvement into question. If he chooses not to pardon then the result of the investigation (Clinton Foundation) can lead to a recommendation for grand jury and Trump can say he won't stand in the way of the law enforcement.

It also shows he's not as vengeful as the media has portrayed.
Am I the only one around here with real hate in their heart? Do you guys just dislike the clintons or their actions like my Sunday school teacher would say? Lock her up.
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We will see if she goes off to plush retirement with all her wealth and butlers and secret service detail.
Think strategically here.

By not appointing a special investigator and stating he will not pursue charges he is putting Obama in a lurch. If Obama pre-emptively pardon's then it is basically an admission to criminal activity which also brings his possible involvement into question. If he chooses not to pardon then the result of the investigation (Clinton Foundation) can lead to a recommendation for grand jury and Trump can say he won't stand in the way of the law enforcement.

It also shows he's not as vengeful as the media has portrayed.
This doesn't prevent the Congress from investigating after the new AG/Sec. of State give over all the embargoed email---many 1000's. It doesn't prevent the Congress from referring perjury charges to the DOJ. Nor does it seem like Trump's decision has any effect on the Clinton Foundation. I don't read anything into preventing the DOJ/Congress from going after Huma, Mills, et al. But, I fully expect Obama to go through with pardons for Hildebitch and her slurp sisters...they know too much. At the very least these things need to be investigated and the findings shown to the public so we all know the degree to which they put our national security at risk and to prevent them from ever being a part of any future administration. They need to be given their "Scarlet Letter".
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get the foundation....if you get the foundation you get her.
Wouldn't that be karma? Get both Hildebitch and the Slickster and place them in the same cell for the remainder of their lives. That would be worse for both than solitary confinement in the hole.
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Trump can only make recommendations it's up to the DOJ to decide what will hapen.
So he lied at the time because he knew he couldn't do it or because of his public education he didn't know any better?
I say let this play out. I still think there is a very good chance that some entity examines the Clinton Foundation. DOJ, IRS, Special Prosecutor, someone.
Trump is actually trying to de-politicize the investigation. That's a good thing.
I'm still trying to figure out if Trump is real smart...or we just think he is. He better follow through with the wall...or at least trot it out there and try to get the funds approved. If not, he'll just be another promiser to get elected.
Wasn't that the ENTIRE point? We weren't getting a politician, we were getting an outsider to run s business.

Another ruse.
He has no record in PUBLIC office. Your conclusion may be very false. We haven't seen his integrity in public office/politics yet.

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