Trump: Calf rope!!!


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Austin Tx
Call Me “Nancy”

Call Me “Nancy”

You’re just being ridiculous. Trump is a businessman. A good businessman knows when to cut his losses. The optics of this are 100% in his favor. Nancy, who opposes his wall, has erected a “wall” of her own making by keeping him out of her chamber.

It is obviously a move the most vociferous Trump haters love. But for the more moderate voter that pays scant attention to the daily grind of politics it looks like petty childishness.
The state of the union is given by the president in the halls of Congress on the invite of the speaker. Not sure how you see a winner and loser from this. That said, Nancy has created a precedent and this won't be the last sotu address that gets cancelled when opposing parties control the house and the presidency.
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Here’s what Trump should do: next time the House is in session he should visit the chamber as a tourist, sit in the public peanut gallery as a regular citizen, beside the other tourists who are there. Go unannounced, don’t say a word, just observe as the House conducts its business. Then get up and walk out and go back to the White House.
Here’s what Trump should do: next time the House is in session he should visit the chamber as a tourist, sit in the public peanut gallery as a regular citizen, beside the other tourists who are there. Go unannounced, don’t say a word, just observe as the House conducts its business. Then get up and walk out and go back to the White House.
You left out the part where he has a Hillary-esque coughing fit that lasts from 5-7 minutes. Like this:

Here’s what Trump should do: next time the House is in session he should visit the chamber as a tourist, sit in the public peanut gallery as a regular citizen, beside the other tourists who are there. Go unannounced, don’t say a word, just observe as the House conducts its business. Then get up and walk out and go back to the White House.

You are probably going to get the passive aggressive tag on this as well.

Edit: I still think it would be hilarious.

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