Trump brushes 0bama aside re: Israel

4 more weeks for Obama to render some more despicable edicts. Many of us knew 9 years ago when Obama started running what he was up to yet so many believed his hope and change masquerade.
Got a Barnes & Nobles GC for my bday earlier this week, so decided to go buy a book and find a copy of Times POY copy with the Trumpmeister on it. First off the oh so tolerant employee(s) had buried the Trump copy stack under another stack of magazines about Obysmals 8 years. Had to dig for awhile but eventually hit paydirt.

There were no less than 5 other mags touting the rodent in chief. Couldn't believe there are so many groups putting that crap out also can't believe there is much of a market in these here parts. Talk about bitter clinger on's. Except this group ain't carrying a bible and holding a weapon. They are wearing Che tees and renewing their official metrosexual memberships.
Silly Obama. He should have continued to stand up for the Right of Isreal to do illegal shit.
The settlements may go against International law (although I'm still a bit fuzzy here), but I'd assume the constant terrorist attacks from the other side do as well. Throwing our ally to the wolves of the UN Security Council is a bit more than I'd expect from our leaders. But the real question I'd ask Dems, is why now? Its as cowardly as it gets to do this type of international lampooning on their way out the door.
Hey Clark, where was the outrage when Jordan owned the West Bank? Why wasn't the world calling for JOrdan to cough up that territory for a palestian state? After all the ONLY reason Israel owned it now is as a buffer because they got tired of the scumbag muslims using it as an avenue to attack Israel (same with Sinai until peace was guaranteed there).

Please specify the exact International Law with which you reference.
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Hey Clark, where was the outrage when Jordan owned the West Bank? Why wasn't the world calling for JOrdan to cough up that territory for a palestian state? After all the ONLY reason Israel owned it now is as a buffer because they got tired of the scumbag muslims using it as an avenue to attack Israel (same with Sinai until peace was guaranteed there).

Please specify the exact International Law with which you reference.
Most of the land everyone is pissy about was seized during war. The winners keep what the want. It wasn't just taken like Russia did with Crimea.
I imagine most of us would be "terrorists" as well if someone was stealing our land and natural resources.
Seriously Clark? That land was pretty much a wasteland until Israeli work turned a vast r majority into useful/workable land, mostly through irrigation.

Please don't make a moral equivalency to the muslims who have no intention of being peaceful to Israel, with say US citizens who most definitely would fight for our land regardless of resources.

The Palestinians have been kicked out of every country they spread their tents in. They know nothing of peace and most other muslims/arabs you talk to have one refrain "we'll fight Israel till the last Palestinian."
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What Israel does in the West Bank to the native Palestinians (whatever you want to call them, they are people who have lived there for hundreds and hundreds of years, 25% of whom are Christian) ) is disgusting and should infuriate any reasonable, fair-minded person. The Israeli "settlers" are nothing like ordinary Israelis; most Israelis consider them to be total loons. They are religious nuts who think it is their God-given right to bulldoze the homes of the natives and force them to leave the area. You can support the country of Israel and what it stands for without supporting what goes on n the West Bank.

Good book on the topic by a small-town Oklahoma girl who I know who spent time there:

Amazon product ASIN 158005482X
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Big, I agree and have read the same type of information. Don't remember the settlement name but the whole place was evacuated, forcibly by the IDF, and the illegal Israeli settlement was leveled (if memory serves me there may have even been some IDF fatalities). Those people settle illegally and aren't the same fare as the areas opened up for settlements and sanctioned by the Israeli govt.

I'd never be in favor of just showing up with a bulldozer and leveling people's homes so my kin could take over. That is a problem, but not the same issue as sanctioned developments.
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Clark if it's conquered through a war, from an entity trying to destroy your country...the proper word is not "occupier." The proper word is "owner."

Now quit listening to your liberal college professors whining about white genocide, Jewish world domination and white supremacists in Trumps cabinet.
Clark if it's conquered through a war, from an entity trying to destroy your country...the proper word is not "occupier." The proper word is "owner."

Now quit listening to your liberal college professors whining about white genocide, Jewish world domination and white supremacists in Trumps cabinet.
Technically, that land was part of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine and was regarded as being within the border of the Jewish State by the UN. In May 1948, when Israel declared independence and was subsequently attacked by five Arab countries, the Arabs actually occupied some of Israel's land until 1967. In 1967, when the Arabs again attacked Israel, Israel took their occupied land back.

The single biggest problem has been the refusal of Arab countries to acknowledge Israel as an independent state. Anything else is pure bullshit.

The link is a good opinion piece.

If this was his stance, why wait until now to do it? He's had plenty of chances over 8 years - if he legitimately thought this would help lead to a peace deal - why would he wait until 4 weeks were left in his presidency to let the security council do this?

Almost as if, instead of peace he wanted to:

1. F*** over Israel
2. Hamstring Trump
3. Wait until it was too late for blowback from his own party to hurt him.
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If this was his stance, why wait until now to do it? He's had plenty of chances over 8 years - if he legitimately thought this would help lead to a peace deal - why would he wait until 4 weeks were left in his presidency to let the security council do this?

Almost as if, instead of peace he wanted to:

1. F*** over Israel
2. Hamstring Trump
3. Wait until it was too late for blowback from his own party to hurt him.
That's the Chicago community organizer way of doing things. Chickenshit. Pure chickenshit.
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Thanks for sharing your ignorance; feel free to post stupidity more often.

I'm sorry you don't like reality. Living in a world of being a simpleton must be quite easy. I'm envious of you in that regard.
I'm sorry you don't like reality. Living in a world of being a simpleton must be quite easy. I'm envious of you in that regard.

I understand we have different perspectives about this issue. Can you give a justification as to why this act is a President's last hoorah rather than a position the administration would have to support and defend while still in office? Its not like those illegal settlers just showed up last week.
Did Obama use his illegal drone army to send the message?
Mega, the rodent in chief is strengthening his street creds for UN Sec General.
Anti-American - check
Walks softly and cradles a limp pecker - check
Israeli hater - check
Muslim sympathizer - check
One world idiologue - check
Fossil fuel hater - check
Whitey is responsible for all the bad in the world - check
Thrives on unearned adulation - check
Completely inept at solving real world problems -check

Can you imagine the glee of all the Western World haters (generally) and US haters (specifically) if he were the head of an organization that undermines democracies, is hopelessly corrupt and solves nothing while as the past US president, he derides the current president and congress unmercifully.
Mega, the rodent in chief is strengthening his street creds for UN Sec General.
Anti-American - check
Walks softly and cradles a limp pecker - check
Israeli hater - check
Muslim sympathizer - check
One world idiologue - check
Fossil fuel hater - check
Whitey is responsible for all the bad in the world - check
Thrives on unearned adulation - check
Completely inept at solving real world problems -check

Can you imagine the glee of all the Western World haters (generally) and US haters (specifically) if he were the head of an organization that undermines democracies, is hopelessly corrupt and solves nothing while as the past US president, he derides the current president and congress unmercifully.
Does the UN allow gay people to serve as the HEAD honcho?
Mega, the rodent in chief is strengthening his street creds for UN Sec General.
Anti-American - check
Walks softly and cradles a limp pecker - check
Israeli hater - check
Muslim sympathizer - check
One world idiologue - check
Fossil fuel hater - check
Whitey is responsible for all the bad in the world - check
Thrives on unearned adulation - check
Completely inept at solving real world problems -check

Can you imagine the glee of all the Western World haters (generally) and US haters (specifically) if he were the head of an organization that undermines democracies, is hopelessly corrupt and solves nothing while as the past US president, he derides the current president and congress unmercifully.
Maybe he'll take the job at the UN just as Trump tells the UN to move out of the US. Put it in Syria where Obama will be at home with his fellow Muslims.
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Why people take up for that shitty, back stabbing, US navy murdering, racist, Apartheid regime in Israel is beyond me. How many war crimes do they have to commit, how many civilians do they have to murder, how many unarmed US ships do they have to sink, how many times do we have to catch them selling militarily secrets secrets to Russia and China, how RICH do they have to get before we question giving that shitty country 4 billion a year?

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