I submit to you that if a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live - Martin Luther King Jr
Is this statement true?
Is this statement true?
I don't think everyone lives in a historical time frame in which such dedication is required, or even possible. Obviously wartime affords such opportunities, but hopefully wars don't last a lifetime.
I prefer to try to live up to Socrates' admonishment that "The unexamined life is not worth living."
Taking time to consider what we are doing with our lives and why, gives us the opportunity to see our short-comings and, hopefully, try to correct them.
With or without religious prompting, we ought to try to be better people. I don't think Dr. King would disagree.
Do you have children?
I do agree animal mother had an outstanding life view...
I am willing to die for something and may be willing to die for something that I won't know until the time comes to take the risk.