Originally posted by oberebo:
I was not trying to be coy in my post because I thought that someone who was actually there should post but I will relay what I learned from my very good source.
125. This weight was won by Austin Miller today who was undefeated and I understand he defeated Eddie handily. Eddie has been out of the room for a while and obviously behind but Miller had 4-5 takedowns and won easily.
133 Dean Heil lost twice and apparently was pinned by Gary Wayne Harding who was undefeated on the day. Again, this was the first time down to weight for most and as I understand it the wrestlers had to make scratch weight.
141 Mike Magaldo was undefeated on the day and decisioned Davey Dolan who was also beaten by Dusty Hone.
149 Josh Kindig was not pushed and had no problems being undefeated.
157 Anthony Collica was undefeated. Marsteller lost to Blees. Collica handled Blees. Marsteller definitely looked to be gassed in more than one match. Koo also beat Marsteller and Collica defeated Koo.
165 Alex did not wrestle. Chandler Rogers was undefeated and looked very good.
174 Jordan Rogers beat Crutchmer and I understand pinned him. He was dominant prior to pinning him.
184 Nolan Boyd looked good but did not have the competition that other weights had.
197 Austin Schafer won this weight and did decision Luke Bean the transfer from Arizona State who won the OKC open last week.
285 Austin Marsden had no problems with the other two heavyweights.
I can really not comment beyond the above as I was not there. My reporter in the room did attribute a lot of the outcomes at least partially, to several wrestlers having to make weight for the first time. It looks like we have a ways to go to get into fighting shape and hopefully by or at least after Lindenwood we should have more of an idea where we stand at each weight. Those of you who might be shocked at Collica up at 157 and winning will get a surprise as he is much bigger than last year.