Tom Steyer tells libs to "Squeal like a piggy", (and they do) but he can't touch Donaldus Magnus

I get where it comes from!

Squealing little crying piggies. We are living in good times.


Democrat overlords could conduct 10 Mueller investigations and find absolutely nothing each time and their brain dead little piggies would squeal that they have been victimized.


so they wanted these investigations
found no evidence

and nothing happened

why is that?

Do you see Russians right now? What are they saying to you?

I'm going to have a strawman burning festival for you guys. We'll round up all the scarecrows we can find every fall and let you burn them in effigy.

Exactly what "win" do you have over me in your wharryhead?
I knew there was no collusion the whole time.

You know nothing relevant, or at least nothing that survives objective inquiry. Helsinki alone and his slumsy 180 reversal when he got home was collusive. Calling the wikileaks leaks right before they are released is collusive. Manafort getting the platform changed for his Ukraine guy was collusive. None of it illegal, but all collusive.

Putin wanted him. Our enemy is pleased you got Fatass. Our enemy is much smarter than you are, too. Well done. If right wing radio demagogues told you that we needed to sniff Biff's underwear you'd line up and strap them around your head.
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You know nothing relevant, or at least nothing that survives objective inquiry. Helsinki alone and his slumsy 180 reversal when he got home was collusive. Calling the wikileaks leaks right before they are released is collusive. Manafort getting the platform changed for his Ukraine guy was collusive. None of it illegal, but all collusive.

Putin wanted him. Our enemy is pleased you got Fatass. Our enemy is much smarter than you are, too. Well done. If right wing radio demagogues told you that we needed to sniff Biff's underwear you'd line up and strap them around your head.
You know nothing relevant, or at least nothing that survives objective inquiry. Helsinki alone and his slumsy 180 reversal when he got home was collusive. Calling the wikileaks leaks right before they are released is collusive. Manafort getting the platform changed for his Ukraine guy was collusive. None of it illegal, but all collusive.

Putin wanted him. Our enemy is pleased you got Fatass. Our enemy is much smarter than you are, too. Well done. If right wing radio demagogues told you that we needed to sniff Biff's underwear you'd line up and strap them around your head.

Please explain why Putin is allowing trump to pull out of the Iran deal? Tell us how Putin got Obama to squash that missle defense shield in Poland? Or took Crimea while Obama sucked on his pacifier. The ideas you have don’t jive with reality.
Please explain why Putin is allowing trump to pull out of the Iran deal?

Because he's not all that opposed to the U.S. and Iran having nuclear weapons pointed at each other? He wants us to have fewer nuclear enemies now on incel radio?

Tell us how Putin got Obama to squash that missle defense shield in Poland? Or took Crimea while Obama sucked on his pacifier. The ideas you have don’t jive with reality.

Are we talking about Biff now, or have we moved on to prior Presidents? Guilty as charged, whatever you wanna say about all; of them going back to Harding. Can you bear to talk about the points I made above?

Great memework. How do you find the time to find them all?
Because he's not all that opposed to the U.S. and Iran having nuclear weapons pointed at each other? He wants us to have fewer nuclear enemies now on incel radio?

Are we talking about Biff now, or have we moved on to prior Presidents? Guilty as charged, whatever you wanna say about all; of them going back to Harding. Can you bear to talk about the points I made above?

Great memework. How do you find the time to find them all?

That makes perfect sense. Crushing their economy causing their people to want to rise up because their money isn’t worth anything. That’s some triple decker chess right there.

We were comparing why Putin would favor trump when Hillary would be a third term for an ankle grabbing Russian friend like Obama. Try and keep up. I know those law degrees from st copious arent hard to come by but do your best.

I often have ten seconds here and there to find memes.
Crushing their economy causing their people to want to rise up because their money isn’t worth anything. That’s some triple decker chess right there.

Yes, we should be trying to crush someone's economy so that.... they'll... love us? You servile embecile, they'll hate us even more if we crush their economy. Life is real black and white on a.m. radio in the Perkins feed store. Let's nto make peace and get into another asian war. That's the smart move. Always a reason to avoid peace with you chickenhawks.

We were comparing why Putin would favor trump when Hillary would be a third term for an ankle grabbing Russian friend like Obama. Try and keep up. I know those law degrees from st copious arent hard to come by but do your best.

Well, I guess he wanted Trump because Trump would stand up to him, if Scatman is to be believed. Personally, I'd be surprised if an authoritarian supported people that stood up to him. But the corrupt authoritarian communist wanted Fatass. I'm sure it's because he wants to see U.S. succeed. Right?
Seriously, a reasonable guy has to ask.
I'm not much of a Twitter person since I don't have an account. But I couldn't find that tweet from Trump's account or find a news account talking about it.

So, I'm thinking that's a fake tweet.
Yes, we should be trying to crush someone's economy so that.... they'll... love us? You servile embecile, they'll hate us even more if we crush their economy. Life is real black and white on a.m. radio in the Perkins feed store. Let's nto make peace and get into another asian war. That's the smart move. Always a reason to avoid peace with you chickenhawks.

Well, I guess he wanted Trump because Trump would stand up to him, if Scatman is to be believed. Personally, I'd be surprised if an authoritarian supported people that stood up to him. But the corrupt authoritarian communist wanted Fatass. I'm sure it's because he wants to see U.S. succeed. Right?

This is just the scattered talk of a declining individual. Trump, is not rewarding Iran for wanting to wipe out Israel, he is punishing them. And according to you, it’s because of Putin. Who is trying to make friends? If he did you would be the first to say look how trump does Putin’s bidding. Your ability to go through the exercise of condemnation or support, no matter the logic but based on your trump derangement syndrome is scary. There’s no way that doesn’t spill into your first life and relationships.

Honest question, what medicines do you take?
Yes, we should be trying to crush someone's economy so that.... they'll... love us? You servile embecile, they'll hate us even more if we crush their economy. Life is real black and white on a.m. radio in the Perkins feed store. Let's nto make peace and get into another asian war. That's the smart move. Always a reason to avoid peace with you chickenhawks.
And there you have it. You fell for Barry's "we'll get Iran to like us by giving in to all their demands thus eliminating their nuclear ambitions" bullshit. That is what absolute failure looks like, shysterkine.
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And according to you, it’s because of Putin.

Wth, you're the one that presupposed Putin gave Biff permission to do something with Iran, now it's my narrative? Shame on me for playing along?

You servile toady. Let sleeping dogs lie and GTFO of asian wars.
Putin wanted him. Our enemy is pleased you got Fatass.

I'm going to try to explain this to you.

Let's say Russia did want Trump to win. (not agreeing with you here, but let's say it is true).
Let's also say Russia for sure hacked the DNC's email (not agreeing they did. The download speed suggests it was locally "hacked")

Now... you also have to say that Russia hasn't exactly benefitted much from Trump foreign policy. You of course could say that, you would be a shit for brains if you did.

So... what could they possibly have considered a victory about a Trump win?

Maybe 2+ years of hamstringing political snipe hunts based on disinformation and bullshit dossier info THE RUSSIANS fed Hillary's op-o team. The pee tape stuff you immediately bought hook line and sinker.

You fool. The "enemy" (China is the real enemy) wanted chaos, not for Trump to be successful. And you play into their hands every day of your life. I love rubbing your nose in this shit as it all burns down though.

I'm going to try to explain this to you.

Let's say Russia did want Trump to win. (not agreeing with you here, but let's say it is true).
Let's also say Russia for sure hacked the DNC's email (not agreeing they did. The download speed suggests it was locally "hacked")

Now... you also have to say that Russia hasn't exactly benefitted much from Trump foreign policy. You of course could say that, you would be a shit for brains if you did.

So... what could they possibly have considered a victory about a Trump win?

Maybe 2+ years of hamstringing political snipe hunts based on disinformation and bullshit dossier info THE RUSSIANS fed Hillary's op-o team. The pee tape stuff you immediately bought hook line and sinker.

You fool. The "enemy" (China is the real enemy) wanted chaos, not for Trump to be successful. And you play into their hands every day of your life. I love rubbing your nose in this shit as it all burns down though.


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I'm going to try to explain this to you.

Let's say Russia did want Trump to win. (not agreeing with you here, but let's say it is true).
Let's also say Russia for sure hacked the DNC's email (not agreeing they did. The download speed suggests it was locally "hacked")

Now... you also have to say that Russia hasn't exactly benefitted much from Trump foreign policy. You of course could say that, you would be a shit for brains if you did.

So... what could they possibly have considered a victory about a Trump win?

Maybe 2+ years of hamstringing political snipe hunts based on disinformation and bullshit dossier info THE RUSSIANS fed Hillary's op-o team. The pee tape stuff you immediately bought hook line and sinker.

You fool. The "enemy" (China is the real enemy) wanted chaos, not for Trump to be successful. And you play into their hands every day of your life. I love rubbing your nose in this shit as it all burns down though.


@Syskatine @Pokeabear

You have the distinction of giving Putin a "victory," if there is one at all.

GulLIBle fools.
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