17 intelligence agencies.
You believe every fake story that comes down the pike don't you.
So something like 30 fake Twitter accounts and $200k spent on facebook ads threw the election to Donald Trump even though Hilary had millions on Twitter and spent a billion dollars.
TDS is worse than syphilis when it comes to rotting the brain. Dems and the MSM have spread this desease to epidemic levels.
The first paragraph is the anthem of our age. Don't like the facts? Fake news. Everyone is entitled to their own set of facts in Biff's America. Just lies and motives in the pursuit of self interest. And that is now legitimized for the #BornFollower.
The second paragraph is not at all what I said. It's what you've heard filtered through right wing media that I've said. That's just making up a strawman argument.
The third paragraph is the usual "TDS" except... from you? There was no more shrill, consistent, pettifogging, trivial, nitpicking critic of him than you and you have gone full wide open bitch mode for typing that. Wow. You attack and attack and then go fetal when your guy gets similar treatment. Thy name art Fragile.
"Art Fragile" should be your nom de plume.
"Fart Ragile" should be ia's.
Well about 30 intelligence agencies said Saddam had WMD and I'll bet you spent a decade deriding GWB for believing them.
The idea that you trust China's "I haven't heard of such a thing"--the very definition of a prevaricating non-answer--says a lot more about how your brain works than it does anything about Trump.
Let the hate keep flowing, I'm sure it's working wonders for your daily happiness.
Would be more compelling if Biff didn't cave when questioned about it. He plainly lied.
I understand it. You are trolling the board, trying to get a rise out of the Trump faithful, and it probably feels good to get the Pavlovian response you are sure to get. Much like DJT does with the MSM. But it is an exercise in futility if you are trying to make a point. Donald Trump has lied so often, so randomly, so stupidly and so clumsily for so long that his faithful have become completely inoculated. They have become something like trained seals, rushing to his defense, so eager to protect their "protector," so determined to justify any misstatement he makes.
That may be true. I think you'll see the difference when his profligate spending wrecklessness and awful foreign policy hit THEIR wallets and THEN all his lies will matter.
And yes, regrettably all Brad brings any more is ad hominem attacks. You'd have no idea what he believes if you backed those out.
For my last point, Dan, and I want you to read this and reflect on it. There are two people that agree what you wrote: One is an anarchist and the other is apparently a retarded, brain dead, gay, incel, atheist, muslim, communist, socialist. This is your last chance to get on the MAGA train.