To My Open-Minded Friends On The Left

If you exist, I encourage you to read this article from a fellow leftist. Maybe it will help to clear some of the Russigate fog that encompasses you. It’s very long, but read as much of it as your attention span allows.
Very interesting, I have always been neutral as far as Mueller report is considered. But
he brought several of the points that makes me dislike Donald Trump
Very interesting, I have always been neutral as far as Mueller report is considered. But
he brought several of the points that makes me dislike Donald Trump

those points weren’t enough to sway america from maga

so the demtards went all in on mueller

and now the so called neutral intelligentistas
cling to this “obstruction” with hope the crime they created trump can somehow be guilty of obstructing

quite the fanciful operation

the next six years are gonna be quite the grind for the conspirators lotsa

national security interest claims
i don’t remembers

hopefully there’s a duped fisa court judge out there with some semblance of a nutsack

that’s where the paper trail starts
for those keeping score at home
those points weren’t enough to sway america from maga

so the demtards went all in on mueller

and now the so called neutral intelligentistas
cling to this “obstruction” with hope the crime they created trump can somehow be guilty of obstructing

quite the fanciful operation

the next six years are gonna be quite the grind for the conspirators lotsa

national security interest claims
i don’t remembers

hopefully there’s a duped fisa court judge out there with some semblance of a nutsack

that’s where the paper trail starts
for those keeping score at home
RDCIDAD we have debated about Trump and I never mentioned Mueller or Russian
investigation in any of my posts.We will find out about obstruction when or if it comes out.Lets see how MAGA goes in 2020. Best of luck
RDCIDAD we have debated about Trump and I never mentioned Mueller or Russian
investigation in any of my posts.We will find out about obstruction when or if it comes out.Lets see how MAGA goes in 2020. Best of luck

i wasn’t pinning mueller et al on your ledger

just general commentary on the demtards modus operandi

as for maga in 2020
again demtards have zero policy to elect on

any centrist that cares about their pocketbook and america is voting maga 2020

that includes hard working union members who don’t give a rats ass about their money going to government funded estrogen treatments for wishy washy gender types
i wasn’t pinning mueller et al on your ledger

just general commentary on the demtards modus operandi

as for maga in 2020
again demtards have zero policy to elect on

any centrist that cares about their pocketbook and america is voting maga 2020

that includes hard working union members who don’t give a rats ass about their money going to government funded estrogen treatments for wishy washy gender types
You are familiar about what I think of Trump If the democrats are unable to get a viable
candidate who can specially talk to white blue collar and white voter in

the wisconsin michigan and ohio and pennsylvania they would get into trouble
But I think they understand that, Trumpm did not win these states in a landslide.
I guess this decision would be close and as Jeff Flake said that
a president can ownl for two terms and it would be a disaster if Trump did that
You are familiar about what I think of Trump If the democrats are unable to get a viable
candidate who can specially talk to white blue collar and white voter in

the wisconsin michigan and ohio and pennsylvania they would get into trouble
But I think they understand that, Trumpm did not win these states in a landslide.
I guess this decision would be close and as Jeff Flake said that
a president can ownl for two terms and it would be a disaster if Trump did that
I don’t see Trump’s presidency as a disaster. So far he seems to have muddled through about as well as could be expected. Especially when you consider the extreme vitriol he has encountered from day one. Trump’s time in office has been a mixed bag of good decisions and bad. That’s about par for the course, woukdn’t you agree?
Danpoke I look at Trump differently than the Trump supporters or detractors I may
say things that the detractors say but I came to the conclusions not for any emotional issues.I am not an American and do not live there. I have only been to America once
since Trump became president and then I only met one republican or conservative and
he is my brother in law and he could not bring himself to vote for either Hillary or Trump.
I have not been to Oklahoma in years last time I went there was when Okstate beat okla in 2001 in Norman and Raushan Woods had a hell of a game.
I loved my stay in Oklahoma because the people were very down to earth,conservatives but friendly.I was in sales so I went all over Oklahoma and made
a lot of friends.I was never discriminated against(besides being called a camel jockey and that was from people who did know any camel jockeys). The hatred I see against muslims now on this board and in Oklahoma( where a law was passed to ban shariah law) did not exist then and shariah law as you guys see it does'nt even exist in Pakistan
as in Saudi Arabia or what ISIS or Al-Qaida claim to be sharia law I think most of the muslim countries would reject it also( Remember there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world and most of them do not live in Arab countries)
I have
been reading books by conservative authors like Rush Limbaugh(the way things ought to be and The ruling class) by Bill Oreilly(A bold fresh piece of humanity
and Culture Warrior) In trump we trust by Anne Coulter.Have not read any by Sean Hannity. Books availibility in Pakistan is very limited and generally the best sellers
some of them come in the market.I generally pick books when I visit America and there is a limit to how many books you can bring with you because of the weight.
I dont like Trump because of what you said about muddling about, he has no concept of foreign relations and chooses the wrong partners,and basically I think is a con man
maybe I am right maybe not but that is my opinion. I first heard of Donald Trump when I read The Art of The deal,he just didn't seem like a big deal maker.Then when I started reading more about him I realized that he had failed in all his business ventures but one.Three of his ventures were total con jobs Trump Steaks,Trump Vodka and Trump university..
As far his domestic policies are concerned they also don't make sense..America does not produce everything that Americans need that is not possible (or in some cases cost effectiveness). Trump brand also imports ties from China and Ivanka's clothing line is imported from Vietnam like most of the name brand clothing including Levi's
or gap and all the other major and minor stores.So putting tariff would only hurts the consumers and some ways the countries that they are imported from. But the strange statistic that I read is that the imports have really gone up since Trump took office.
Slogans are fine but they actually have to have some policies to implement them
Pakistani politicians are even better than Trump when it comes to slogans and we have dearly suffered because of them.The biggest slogan that Bhutto made was Roti,Kapra makan(food clothing and house) and all he did was nationalize all the factories,financial institutions and insurance companies, Also he put 20 workers where ten were needed and destroyed the performance of these organizations.He only helped people living in urban areas when most of the peopled lived in rural Pakistan and he was one of the largest land owner in Pakistan.
I am vary of these democrats who are promising the world but would not be able
to deliver,like single payer health insurance.It is easy to make promises during election campaigns delivering is something else.What would happen if a democrat like Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris wins and house or senate goes to republicans nothing would be delivered. Even if democrats win all three of the branches even then they would not be able to deliver like repeal of Obama care by
Trump.when he had both the house and senate controlled by republicans.
Well it has become a long post and maybe some of it makes sense..
You are likely the only open minded person from the left on this board. Maybe @SMemmett.

I don't think I've posted very many things about russiagate on this board, if anything at all, and really didn't pay much attention to it, to be honest. I think there are/and were plenty of reasons to dislike the Trump administration that were/are much more tangible, my main thing has been Devos and public ed for the last few years. I do bet @Ponca Dan doesn't consider himself left, though!
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I don't think I've posted very many things about russiagate on this board, if anything at all, and really didn't pay much attention to it, to be honest. I think there are/and were plenty of reasons to dislike the Trump administration that were/are much more tangible, my main thing has been Devos and public ed for the last few years. I do bet @Ponca Dan doesn't consider himself left, though!
Devos is something elsa I am glad Trump did not cut funding for special olympics.
In my opinion one reason that America became the greatest country on earth was
their education system upto high school and the money they put in on research,every new idea seemed to be coming from the US. Now other countries like Japan,S Korea
and China are spending more on research.This woman wants to cut the education budget by 10% and nobody is screaming about it.
I don't think I've posted very many things about russiagate on this board, if anything at all, and really didn't pay much attention to it, to be honest. I think there are/and were plenty of reasons to dislike the Trump administration that were/are much more tangible, my main thing has been Devos and public ed for the last few years. I do bet @Ponca Dan doesn't consider himself left, though!
Toon didn’t consider himself a lefty either.

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